whichever you choose, their setup will be the same. 2 posts, 1 positive, 1 negative.
I would suggest going for one of these at first..see if you like dripping.
Been vaping for more than a year now and I only have the igo-l dripperwise. It just works and with a micro coil and cotton it's a great little atty.
Leave the airhole as it is, try it out..and if you feel it's too much of an effort to vape, open it up a bit!
Yeah pretty much. it's looks I think. I found the "forge" or rather the vh-chorge from vapour hut super, cheap, it has good air flow control and 3 posts for single or dual coil. best of 3 worlds. I have good clouds and flavour. I'm sure others will advise, so plenty to look at.
I agree. Its a great simple bit of kit. You'll get flavour and vapour at least as good as, but probably better than a tank. Cheap and solid. I've got the W coming just because really but can't fault this lovely chunk of metal :-)