Well for me...Nickel. Titanium or Kanthal?
I like TC.....Ni chrome was good to me way back in the days of rebuilding CE4/5's on 3mm glass, I got into gennies, mesh wick? New learning curve....Kanthal took over... reduced genny hot spots.....silica still good....whats this cotton shit? Tanks n cotton....great!.... whats this TC shit? TC shit...Nickel? Hmmm nice, but a MF to work with!....do I do micro or spaced...WTF do I do with this? Titanium, shit, feels like Kanthal, builds like Kanthal....am I gonna die? ARSloos (or what ever uk's TW calls their Kanthal TC mod piece of poop that ain't TC in Kanthal)...Yup, that ain't no good! Stainless....whoooo yeah! One tank manufacturer sports it, One over priced German company supports it! Need two squillion wraps like Nickel to get a workable build.........FUCK! What do we do now??????...Teapots n saucepans never got cancer....from teapots n saucepans did they?
Titanium is the best material to date....treat it like a fool n it will poop on your day! It is robust, easy to clean, easy to build...it would appear IMO that it needs a device that can ramp up the power over the coils life (I have 2 that have run for 3 weeks with a clean n re-wick) and I vape heavy...when I hit 480-500f the coils look like they are embedded in rock n taste well funky.
The debate will run on... but for me, the best results have been nickle/titanium hybrid coils but better still Titanium!....Me? well I am rebuilding all my TC attys n drippers in Ti, to be run on Ni/Ti devices or strait Ni devices (with heat adjustments).
What am I saying? Fook, I wish I knew? But we are going TC as vapers, come Zombie time we will be vaping 12volts 70amph....other than that, the only sensible choice will be Ti!.. Your next mod should have adjustable TCR for Ti 1.