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Review Tmax - Snake Oil Heavy VG Eliquid Review

how much is a 10 mil bottle? and from where?

I bought a juice from t juice range called halycion haze (spelling?) and their gins addiction sounds identical. I used the sampler he had quite a bit and enjoyed it so i popped 12 quid for a 20 mil bottle and enjoying a premium vape.

Stick it in my nautilus and the other flavours suddenly start coming through, and by the time i get home it is literally making me sick. SO, if i was to get snake oil to try it would have to be as cheap as possible

Direct from the maker here
Tmax Juices

I generally pick it up from my local vape shop £18 for 30ml or £7 for 10 but it's cheaper on the website. A few of the vendors on here sell it for similar prices (18 and 7 quid) can't think of one off the top of my head tho mate I just remember seeing it a few times when browsing juices.
I've got a more fruity flavour coming through now. It's not sickly at all now either. Anise flavour has settled down a lot too! I'm very impressed. Something I'd happily buy another bottle when I get through this one.

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