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To squonk or not to squonk?

I was a late squonker, but since I squonked I now squonk most of the time and prefer it to tanking.
I’m the opposite..tried Squonking for the first time last week and yes it went okay vaping was fine but I much prefer my zenith tanks..I had to give Squonking a go just to see..was fun trying things.
It’s interesting too, how much I actually like it because I was very resistant for a long time. Never thought I’d get a squonker.
Some love squonking others dont i myself love it the ting is with your 1st squonk it is best not to spend to much money on one just in case its not for you and buy one that is regulated and not a mech ive been vaping just over 5 years now and have only just got into mechs as for RDAs there are a lot of good ones out there but as i said 1st of all just dont spend to much money just in case it is not for you .........
I use a wee mech squonker and single coil atty as my day to day vape and it suits me to a tee, but it doesn't suit everyone. Squonking has never been more accessible - there's a plethora of mods and attys to suit all styles of vaping available nowadays.

Basium is a very decent mod, I had one last summer for a few months and really enjoyed it - given the choice today though and it'd be the Topside dual purely for the super easy fill system and 10ml capacity. They both basically have the same chip, so it's essentially different clothes and the choice of a fiddly to fill 6ml capacity, or a very easy 10ml capacity?

I'd also recommend getting a single coil RDA to begin with - learn to build and wick on a single coil until you you get used to it/become proficient at it; there's plenty of good cheap single coil RDAs on the market from tight mouth to lung, to pretty airy lung hitters. Move on to a dual coiler when you're ready - dual coils are a bit more tricky to set up and get firing evenly, your coils need to be identical which can be tricky if you're just starting out wrapping your own. Also dual coils halves the resistance of your build, which you need to be aware of (and so on depending how many coils you fit in atty - three coils fitted and your resistance will be a third of a single coil, four coils will be a quarter etc) no big deal on a regulated device, but it can have a major impact on battery life and liquid consumption when what you thought was going to be a 0.5 ohm build is actually 0.25 and you need to crank the wattage for a decent vape.

You really need to do the hard miles with rebuildables, aye there are shortcuts you can take like buying pre-made coils (I buy them now as I like chunky coils that are a PITA to make) but fitting, bedding in, and wicking are things that only improve with experience - also some people are more adept than others with things like this and I wouldn't dare be presumptuous as to your abilities, but if you can wire a plug you'll be fine, your just wiring a smaller plug!

Thanks stevoknevo great advice - yes, I'll deffo be sticking to building single coil RDAs initially until I've nailed the fundamentals as you mentioned.

I'm not averse to gadget tinkering at all so I think I'll be cool with it.

Some love squonking others dont i myself love it the ting is with your 1st squonk it is best not to spend to much money on one just in case its not for you and buy one that is regulated and not a mech ive been vaping just over 5 years now and have only just got into mechs as for RDAs there are a lot of good ones out there but as i said 1st of all just dont spend to much money just in case it is not for you .........

Great advice Bulldog, thanks. JTC (below) has suggested a well-priced option.

Squonking is awesome. Do yourself a favour and buy this [emoji106]


Thanks J.T.C. this looks like a really good value ideal beginner mod. The reviews aren't too shabby either. Added to my list.

Vlad, don't know if it would interest you. But Smoant do the Battlestar Squonker kit, it's cheap and from a decent manufacturer.

But order from fasttech if you want the cheapest option.

Cheers Mordacai, Would rather not order anything from overseas for now, for peace of mind etc. but may well do in the future.
Thanks stevoknevo great advice - yes, I'll deffo be sticking to building single coil RDAs initially until I've nailed the fundamentals as you mentioned.

I'm not averse to gadget tinkering at all so I think I'll be cool with it.

Great advice Bulldog, thanks. JTC (below) has suggested a well-priced option.

Thanks J.T.C. this looks like a really good value ideal beginner mod. The reviews aren't too shabby either. Added to my list.

Cheers Mordacai, Would rather not order anything from overseas for now, for peace of mind etc. but may well do in the future.
:yourewelcome:..........Mate.......... good luck hope you do enjoy squonking.........
Moved away from sub ohm tanks last year and have not looked back. The coils being the main reason. Price and reliability. RDA/Squonking feels cheaper. Bit more initial outlay certainly. Long term satisfaction!

Nearly a year in and its all 'bout the squonkin'.

Easy, as it sounds like you have been doing your homework. Nothing to fear, except your 1st dry hit...OOOOFT! (If in doubt squeeze the squonk!)

I went single coil, single battery: Pulse80W Regulated & Wotofo Recurve. Now I would say swap out the Pulse for a Topside (either have been game changers for convience for me) recurve comes with Cotton & coils, measuring tool etc. All you need to get started. There is a reason they sold a ton of the things. I have had another just been delivered today. Also enjoying the D-PRO MINI. Bit of a tighter draw.

You will really only find what you like by experimenting with different RDA's. Luckily they are pretty cheap!

Coilology do a box of 42 coils for £8 (recommended by a few apes) Not bothered doing my own yet.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
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