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Tobacco Ejuice has no flavour?

All the other flavours I have are great, the tobacco is for my wife and she cant taste it either. I have bought another tobacco juice and that is fine. Im just wondering if they forgot to put the flavour in the juice?

If you mix (or know somebody who can) you could add some flavour to it, to save from wasting it, and treat it as a base rather than throwing it away and wasting it. If not, maybe swap with somebody who mixes for something flavoured? But I agree with whoever said contact the vendor. It could just have been an oversight.
Either take it up with Vendor or get some menthol flavour or crystals and try that in the liquid rather than bin it....
Personally I have had limited to no success with tobacco flavours but I have some samples on the way from house of liquid....last try vis tobacco for me
will let all know how it turns out.

First check with the vendor to see if they have had a faulty batch of liquids or if it is made to order they of not used enough flavour.
when something like this happens most vendors would want the liquid back to see what has gone wrong so keep hold of it till they get back to you.
I have just bought 2x 10 ml bottles of tobacco ejuice and it has no flavour. I bought it from a well know vendor and paid extra for additional flavour but it has no taste at all. I will contact them tomorrow but I was just wondering is this normal? I bought it for my wife and she has vaped quite a bit of it and said nothing because she didn't want to upset me by saying it was shite. :0 Women are strange :)

I don't like ANY tobacco juices, and i've tried many, they all taste crap......
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