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Tobacco steep not going well

Jul 25, 2013
Hi all,

Apologies for the first time post being in this section but I've been noticing that a lot of constructive discussion has been going on in this forum on the subject of tobacco steeping, so thought I'd try and ask a few experts in the field (or experienced brewers at least).

I've done much of the standard method: leisure liquids whole leaf (I've used light fire-cured and aged nicaraguan), steeped in pure (or majority) PG, inside a steeping bag, left for 1 -2 weeks.

Problem is that they're tasting like perfumed sugar. And I could have sworn that this wasn't the case at day 6 of the first test. Now it's horrible and tastes NOTHING like tobacco.

Anyone know why this might be?

Was left in quite a warm room for that period if that's any help. But I've never heard any real evidence that temperate affects the steep, other than actually heating of course, but I mean ambient temp.

Thanks! (and hello!)
Hi stayinwonderland and welcome, can't help with this I'm afraid but thought I'd say hello and hope it prompts a more knowledgeable person to come and help you!! Why don't you put a quick 'Hi' on the 'New User Introdcutions' as well! Blossom
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