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Tobacco vape liquid suggestions for wife please!

I think with most people there perception of a Tobacco Liquid is the actual Smoke you inhale from a ciggie and not the actual flavour of the Tobacco, Eliquid manufacturers can't replicate the smoke no matter how good their juices are.
Vape pig (formerly okey smokey) do the most realistic tobacco juices I have come across. To me NET stuff - even though it's made with tobacco - doesn't really taste the same as a smoke.

Indigene and Firewater juices by manabush also have that satisfying tobacco vibe, mostly with other flavours added in (though there is a straight tobacco indigene version).

Druid's brew also do a nice straight tobacco flavour, but I can't remember what it's called. There is a menthol one too so don't get confused with that.
I'm actually vaping both of these Druid's Brew liquids at the moment. The Grey Mari is the straight tobacco one and the version with a little menthol is Snow Queen. They're both very, very good.
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