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Toughest cigarette laws set for Australia




[h=3]AUSTRALIA is set to go ahead with the world's toughest cigarette laws - using shock tactics to get people to quit smoking.[/h]Tobacco companies Down Under will have to sell cigarettes in murky olive green packets covered in graphic health warnings.
From December pictures of cancerous mouths, blackened teeth and blind eyes will be on packs of fags.
Law ... the Australian government hopes it will cut the number of smokers

Tobacco giants challenged the new laws in the Australian High Court, but failed in their bid to overturn the legislation.
British health officials are watching the move closely with a consultation on changing cigarette packet designs in the UK due to be published soon.
The Australian government has called on the world to follow its example and cut down the estimated one billion smokers worldwide.
Attorney-General Nicola Roxon hailed the ruling as “a watershed moment for tobacco control around the world”.
Images ... examples of some packet designs

“The message to the rest of the world is big tobacco can be taken on and beaten.
“Without brave governments willing to take the fight up to big tobacco, they’d still have us believing that tobacco is neither harmful nor addictive."
Australia wants to cut the number of smokers from around 15 percent of the population to 10 percent by 2018. Authorities say smoking kills around 15,000 Australians a year.
Scott McIntyre, a spokesman for British American Tobacco, who challenged the law, said: "It's still a bad law that will only benefit organised crime groups which sell illegal tobacco on our streets."
Ministers ... Australia wants the world to follow example

It's a very diverse culture in Aus... and I can't imagine this going down down under too well in some parts of their community.
Smoking causes blindness. Years ago they used to say the same about wanking but they didn't put stickers all over blokes knobs did they :D it wouldn't have stopped it either, lol!
Nobody who smokes cares very much about the health dangers of smoking (if they did, they wouldn't smoke, they would quit or use an alternative like vaping) I'm sure the festering gums pictures on UK baccy hasn't stopped anybody buying their Amberleaf.
Smokers are selectively blind and very much over dosed on the health blackmail tactic. Money talks B*llshit walks, and higher and higher prices seems to be the only effective deterrant.
Something that has always puzzled me about our government's (and any government's) stand on anti smoking is that banning tobacco altogether would be a much cheaper and effective alternative. Name the day of the ban/illegality of tobacco and,on that day, ASH, Anti smoking campaigners, NHS 'quit schools' and all the other 1000 assorted factions, will become redundant.
Yes,sounds drastic, and to some, an affront aginst civil liberties, but it would certainly stop all the waste of time cr*p.
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As far as sky news says its not over yet the tobacco company's have brought in the world trade agreement due to intellectual property for the images on the packs, deep pockets , long arms as well they will not go easy lols
Whilst I'm happy vaping now, I bear no grudge against those who smoke. As has already been said smokers are well versed in the health implications of their habit and still choose to smoke. Is an outright ban fair on them? I would say no, unless you ban the use other legal 'drugs' which have as many, if not more, health implications such as alcohol. Will plain packaging reduce the number of people taking up the habit (who the effects of this legislation are really aimed at) - possibly, but no one actually knows.
Maybe I'm a little naive but I say live and let live... there is room in this world for vapers, smokers and non-smokers

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