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Tracking Details

So if you set up a business you shouldn't know the laws around what your business does? You can do whatever you want as it's up to the police to know? If you setup a business you absolutely should know the law governing what you do. Otherwise can I seek alcohol to minors and blame the police for not stopping me?
No no, u misinterpreted what i meant. If u r a small business owner being asked to collect contact details of customers, and the police come trying to get it, it shouldnt be a case of that business standing up to the police in order to make the police adhere to privacy laws already in place.
No no, u misinterpreted what i meant. If u r a small business owner being asked to collect contact details of customers, and the police come trying to get it, it shouldnt be a case of that business standing up to the police in order to make the police adhere to privacy laws already in place.
I agree to an extent. It should be the government's place to make it clear what the existing laws are and how they affect small business.
Unfortunately the government machine is so slow and cumbersome when it comes to getting the word out so every business knows what they have to do and the virus isn't going to wait for them to catch up.
Its the old 'u can either give us the info now, or we can come back with a warrant and tear your store apart while we get it ourselves' bullying tactic
I think there's two conflicting issues that the government are having difficulty trying to balance.

On the one hand they are under pressure to get contact tracing working effectively as fast as possible to try to slow the spread of the virus as much as possible.

On the other they would normally make the Information Commisioner responsible for implementing the right data protection measures. The problem with that is if they pile too much extra red tape onto businesses that's only going to slow down getting the contact tracing system working.

Unfortunately the virus isn't going to cooperate and wait for them to sort everything out.

So very true.
Daffy already drank too much. Piss head.
I don't see it as too difficult really, if you cant get the proper rules in place to comply with the law then you don't open. They've had months from the start of the lockdown to prepare but they haven't done.

But they have.
The pubs are open because they have complied with the government guidelines for reopening.
Now if those government guidelines breach a different law, that is the govenments problems, not the landlords.
I'm not sure the laws are in place yet for this situation. They're trying to get the contact system in place and then play catch up with the legalities.

The government are playing it very softly softly.
If they wished they could simply use "emergency powers" to say all data protection laws are suspended until further notice. :)
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