There's been a huge increase in celebrities in the pubs round my way lately
No worries.
Not sure you got the point of my post.
It was about all the Micky Mouse names people would be leaving as contact details.
LOL, Mickey Mouse signed one of my delivery notes, many years ago.
I dont go to pubs as it means i have to be with other people.
I don't leave the house, for the same reason.
Homosapians are the real corona virus, destroying their environment, eliminating other species, and not giving a flying chuff about anything other than their own personal bubble.
The reasons for collecting contact details are legitiimate enough because of the pandemic but the main issue is about trust that the information won't be misused. Therefore, it should have been written into the regulations that the data must be protected and stored safely just like payroll, payment details or other kinds of personal information.
Being a pandemic, it's important to keep people willing to comply with it to reduce the spread so even the police should not be able to ask for it so the confidentiality of covid contact details needs to be protected by law with suitable punishments.
You trust governments?
Seeing as this thread has slightly changed direction what do you think about having to do this in the first place?
Covid obviously spreads in pubs.........
Necessary evil.
If you don't like it, get pissed at home, and invite your mates / social bubbles, or whatever the fuck the government deems socially acceptable.
They ain't checking, not enough staff, so do whatever the fuck you want, or deem socially responsible.
I didn't start this thread to negate the reason for leaving details, I was in concerned that the various establishments, and indeed the police according to the article, might be misusing the data. Under GDPR we need clear rules, for everyone's safety?
Negate is a most unused term.
Needs to be in wider circulation, well done
I answered your question in my earlier post.
Others have diverted the thread.
It's something the government needs to get a grip on to tighten the regulations so they make sure covid data is securely stored and only used for contact tracing. Even the police shouldn't get access or people won't cooperate the way they need.
I do not trust the government with anything pertaining to IT, nor...anything else, come to that.
Same goes for any other government.
Are we getting to the stage where we will have to leave contact details everywhere we go ?
If so this is getting really Orweilian.
If this happen then i will just stay indoors and lock myself away, maybe that is their intentions.
It's already happened dude, your mobile is a tracker.
Stay at home, safest option.
So what happens if you have no mobile, not receiving benefits and are homeless ?
You're invisible. Woo-hoo!
Daffy already drank too much. Piss head.
I don't see it as too difficult really, if you cant get the proper rules in place to comply with the law then you don't open. They've had months from the start of the lockdown to prepare but they haven't done.
Can have as many rules or laws on the statute books as you like, without the necessary policing force to enforce them, they are negated...shout out to
I'd say you need to get out more but I think that phrase has been made redundant.
Or negated?
I love a good scam, me - they make me laugh. He (naturally) got caught in the end, but he really was a bit of a genius at it. One day I'll bore you shitless with the stories.
Please do... popcorn...