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Trouble with Brunhilde (RTA MTL)

Jun 18, 2024
I've got a Brunhilde MTL RTA and am having trouble with it.

No matter what I do, the hits all seem to be... it's hard to describe, but the closest I can come is not properly vapourised. It's like it's too wet.

I'm using a NET and have tried coils between 1-1.75ohm (and usually do 12watts, and have tried that and also higher) and changing the airpin and adjusting the coil height up and down and rewicking a few times. And the chamber isn't flooded or anything.

Is there some trick I'm missing with Brunhilde? I have a Bishop tank and am able to have that one vape well.

I'd really like to be able to get the Brunhilde to work - I like so much about the tank, but just am failing to get it to hit properly and am frustrated and out of ideas.
I've got a Brunhilde MTL RTA and am having trouble with it.

No matter what I do, the hits all seem to be... it's hard to describe, but the closest I can come is not properly vapourised. It's like it's too wet.

I'm using a NET and have tried coils between 1-1.75ohm (and usually do 12watts, and have tried that and also higher) and changing the airpin and adjusting the coil height up and down and rewicking a few times. And the chamber isn't flooded or anything.

Is there some trick I'm missing with Brunhilde? I have a Bishop tank and am able to have that one vape well.

I'd really like to be able to get the Brunhilde to work - I like so much about the tank, but just am failing to get it to hit properly and am frustrated and out of ideas.
That’s a hard one. Could you describe the sound, you get, when taking a draw. Do you get juice, in you mouth?

Sounds like a flooded. Deck, but the laws of physic would need to change for that to be so.
Thinking about it. It might be helpful if you could post a picture of your build, too
Because it's basically an RDTA, I always found it very "saturated" - rich and almost moist. Is that what you mean? I think that is just the nature of the tank, and I quite liked it.

If you're getting juice in your mouth, then like @RAPTOREX says it would be helpful to see a pic of your deck.
If you haven't seen it this review might be of interest, as per the one Rickster posted it needs quite a bit of cotton..

Thanks! Relevantly, it says "...set it to 12 watts and set about trying it out. The first draws were well over-saturated, I put this down to my overzealous coil priming but it didn’t go away. I examined the build deck and could see there was far too much juice, no leaking, just too much juice getting through. That was when I realised I had stuffed up my wicking! .... Live and learn and appreciated that it was my fault, I rewicked it with longer legs and that sorted it straight out, so back to the vape….."

Though I wish there were photos for the "right way" (unless I missed them). I tried with both long and short wicking, and it didn't seem to make a difference. But this seems like one thing to try.

If you haven't seen it this review might be of interest, as per the one Rickster posted it needs quite a bit of cotton..

Thanks! I'll have a look.

Because it's basically an RDTA, I always found it very "saturated" - rich and almost moist. Is that what you mean? I think that is just the nature of the tank, and I quite liked it.

If you're getting juice in your mouth, then like @RAPTOREX says it would be helpful to see a pic of your deck.

Ah, well, it's possible that, at least to some extent, it's just the way it hits.

That’s a hard one. Could you describe the sound, you get, when taking a draw. Do you get juice, in you mouth?

Sounds like a flooded. Deck, but the laws of physic would need to change for that to be so.
Thinking about it. It might be helpful if you could post a picture of your build, too

It sounds gurglely, but then vapes tend to. Maybe a bit more gurglely than others and ... deeper in pitch?

Image of the deck. (You can see a bit of juice up on the screwmount - don't know if this is expected - tried wiping it off, but no difference.)

Thanks! Relevantly, it says "...set it to 12 watts and set about trying it out. The first draws were well over-saturated, I put this down to my overzealous coil priming but it didn’t go away. I examined the build deck and could see there was far too much juice, no leaking, just too much juice getting through. That was when I realised I had stuffed up my wicking! .... Live and learn and appreciated that it was my fault, I rewicked it with longer legs and that sorted it straight out, so back to the vape….."

Though I wish there were photos for the "right way" (unless I missed them). I tried with both long and short wicking, and it didn't seem to make a difference. But this seems like one thing to try.

Thanks! I'll have a look.

Ah, well, it's possible that, at least to some extent, it's just the way it hits.

It sounds gurglely, but then vapes tend to. Maybe a bit more gurglely than others and ... deeper in pitch?

Image of the deck. (You can see a bit of juice up on the screwmount - don't know if this is expected - tried wiping it off, but no difference.)

View attachment 356225
This is pure speculation and could be complete bollocks.

But I wonder if the gaps in the coil are encouraging juice build up or otherwise causing it to drip down over the airflow intake. The wicking seems pretty decent to me.

I wouldn't worry about the bit on the screwmount.
This is pure speculation and could be complete bollocks.

But I wonder if the gaps in the coil are encouraging juice build up or otherwise causing it to drip down over the airflow intake. The wicking seems pretty decent to me.

I wouldn't worry about the bit on the screwmount.

I thought the same, it looks very spaced.
Ah, I suppose that's one thing. The spacing is down to my poor coil building abilities (I got one of those spin-y jig things, but I found it more difficult than just doing it by hand, but I'm also not great at manually building coils with close spacing, and I generally manage to further muck up coil spacing a bit more when getting them onto the screws), but I have a slight doubt about this being the issue from the fact that I don't think I've had this issue with other tanks where the coils are of the same, er, quality of build/looseness of spacing. But I suppose it's possible that this tank is very sensitive with respect to this, so I'll see if I can manage to build a tightly/evenly coiled wire and see if that changes anything.
Ah, I suppose that's one thing. The spacing is down to my poor coil building abilities (I got one of those spin-y jig things, but I found it more difficult than just doing it by hand, but I'm also not great at manually building coils with close spacing, and I generally manage to further muck up coil spacing a bit more when getting them onto the screws), but I have a slight doubt about this being the issue from the fact that I don't think I've had this issue with other tanks where the coils are of the same, er, quality of build/looseness of spacing. But I suppose it's possible that this tank is very sensitive with respect to this, so I'll see if I can manage to build a tightly/evenly coiled wire and see if that changes anything.
I know what you're saying. I wonder if it's worth trying just one non-spaced coil in the brunhilde just to rule it out?
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