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Truthful David Cameron


Mar 6, 2016
Video from 2009. David Cameron explaining the reasons for wanting an EU referendum and wanting us to leave the EU.
What's changed since this video apart from Cameron's views?? Oh aye, he become PM

Much as he is an utterly loathsome character, his video message was that the people should be given the right to vote on whether or not they want Brussels to have the powers over us that they do. He has now delivered on that, so I don't think there is any great hypocrisy to be found there, whether his views on the matter have changed or not.
Much as he is an utterly loathsome character, his video message was that the people should be given the right to vote on whether or not they want Brussels to have the powers over us that they do. He has now delivered on that, so I don't think there is any great hypocrisy to be found there, whether his views on the matter have changed or not.

To me the hypocrisy is of his changing views. He seemed dead set against it to encourage Tory votes back then, now tories are in and he's changed his mind. Why's it taken nigh on 7 years to get the referendum that he promised? How long was the debate on whether to have a Scottish referendum?
I've changed my mind on how to vote several times in the past few months. Does that make me a hypocrite? I despise the man but he did deliver both referendums where many others have not.
It doesn't make you a hypocrite, I've sounded like the Hokey Cokey song a few times before I started reading into both sides deeper, and in my opinion I'll vote leave for the reasons I gathered.

The main difference between you and Cameron (not saying you're a twat like him) is he's saying we must stay in after he explained why we should be out years ago, before he was in power. Do I trust him? Not 1 bit. Maybe if I was a Tory voter I may be more inclined to vote in I don't know
To be fair, the situation "years ago" is not the same as now. I would be more worried about a politician (or anyone) who stuck to a decision they made or a belief they held regardless of changing circumstances.

The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.
It's politics ... shit changes all the time and life moves on ... isn't the only reason we're having this referendum to take the wind out of UKIP's sails?
Cameron thought, like most of the country, that the last election would be tight, another coalition seemed likely. Cameron's ploy was to cut into UKIP by offering the referendum, maybe thinking he could blame the LibDems for backing out on it ... the election turned out a bit better than even he expected.

Hope the plebs agree to stay in or we'll have another referendum, and another until we get it right. :D

Here are some titbits from of an interview with a blubbering blonde overgrown public schoolboy. Changing his mind about stuff!

Pressed on his previous support for Turkey joining the EU, ....

"The EU has changed out of all recognition since people like me first started advocating Turkish membership," he added.

He also said it was "absolute nonsense" he was backing Brexit out of personal leadership ambitions.

"My view about the EU has changed but that is because the EU has changed ....."
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