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Trying to quit again....

Welcome to the Planet Mate!!! After much Faffing about i've found 18mg 50/50 Pg Vg works for me and I was a Moderately Heavy Rolly Smoker for 38 Years!!!:welcome1:
12mg is really low for someone who is a heavy smoker.
I would definitely consider a higher mg level.

Welcome to POTV. You will get loads of advice here. Good to see you are giving vaping another go.
If you can stay on the vapour and off the rollies for a few days you will find that the rollies taste like shit. My advice (worked for me) is find a really yummy juice that has the right amount of nicotine (to stop the cravings)

As mentioned, loads of water and up to 18/24 mg to start you off

You came to the right place, these guys on here are very friendly and helpful
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