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UD AGI Rebuildable Tank/Dripper


Oct 27, 2013
hi, the above can be used as a tank or a dripper. i also have an extra dripper base with it so that the tank can be left set up without disturbing your juice when you want to drip. just pop the top off and onto the second base to drip.

included is

Glass tank
Tank base
Tank top base
Dripper base
Top cap Undrilled
spare mesh
piece of 2mm silica
piece of 3mm eko wool
spare safety springs
spare orings
spare grommet
spare grub screws

the second base is a permanent dripper as the grub screws were wound in so tight they would not come out. i bought this new about a fortnight ago an then had the replacement base sent out so thats why theres a spare.

ive had no issues with any leaks on this, its a version 2.

would like to swap for a Fogger v2 or Magoo or something similar.

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hi, the above can be used as a tank or a dripper. i also have an extra dripper base with it so that the tank can be left set up without disturbing your juice when you want to drip. just pop the top off and onto the second base to drip.

included is

Glass tank
Tank base
Tank top base
Dripper base
Top cap Undrilled
spare mesh
piece of 2mm silica
piece of 3mm eko wool
spare safety springs
spare orings
spare grommet
spare grub screws

the second base is a permanent dripper as the grub screws were wound in so tight they would not come out. i bought this new about a fortnight ago an then had the replacement base sent out so thats why theres a spare.

ive had no issues with any leaks on this, its a version 2.

would like to swap for a Fogger v2 or Magoo or something similar.

I bought two Fogger V2 this week. I could trade one of them for this, just to try out another tank system.

Both of my foggers are in use, but I can rinse one of them out. I have the spares pack it cam with as well, which has spare rings, one spare hybrid wick, some kanthal and a mini screw driver)

I have a vertical microcoil set inside at about 1.5 ohm. I can leave that sitting there in case you want to try it.

Lemme know if it is still available.


Dr A
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