Im liking the Goblin more than the Goliath. Even though I got the Goliath first. For the amount of juice the Goliath uses I don't think it offers anymore than the Goblin. I finished a full tank of juice in the Goliath the other day in about 40 mins of use. Used it abit to and from work for 10 mins each way, then on a break at work for 15 mins. The Goblin is nowhere near like that. I'm glad I've got one, but I tend to pick the Goblin up instead of the Goliath. They are both running the exact same build. I haven't really had a leak from either of them, you just need to make sure you wipe up the excess juice after filling. From the control ring on the Goliath and the screw hole on the Goblin. Neither of them are as fussy as the Lemo 2 for wicking.
There's a Goblin Mini (confused?) coming out as well as the Goliath II. Ray Lo Vapes said on the Facebook comments (Youdes Page) that the Goliath II is at least a few months out yet. I'll still pick one up when they are released.
Gearbest have said that they won't be getting in anymore Goblins now, as Youde have stopped making them. Not sure what the situation is with the Goliath with Gearbest is? I wouldn't pay £30 for the Goliath now after using it but I would for the Goblin, and if I was looking for another I'd pick up another Goblin instead. In fact I was going to but as GB aren't getting anymore I went with a Cthulhu instead.
I am liking Youdes stuff though, the Zephyrus is going to piss all over all these Subtank things. 5ml tank, takes stock coils and has a 4 post RBA section. I don't use stock coils but for anyone who does, then the RBA looks like a smaller version of the Goblins deck. Dont think a Subtank Mini is going to stand up to one of them.