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UK Competance of EU Statements

"the Department plans to use section 22 to exempt FOI requests around evidence received."

Sounds about right... deny public access to evidence and then any evidence that might throw a spanner in the works of the 'done deal' can be safely ignored and discarded. Corrupt feckers.

Stock up, vape on and screw em. If they force you to become a criminal to vape then become a criminal.

Here here!!
How would the EU directive (ban) on vaping impact your health? Regular bronchitis and shortness of breath becoming COPD at leat
Would you use your doctor to get vaping prescriptions, and why? No, I don't want medicines and the kind of thing a doctor would offer would be measured doses in a cigalike that tasted horrible. I'd also be treated as sick, take up NHS resources, for the rest of my life.
Have you quit smoking as a result of vaping, and how many people do you know who have? Yes and I know four others who have
Do you know anyone who has gone on to quit vaping? No
Do you prefer tobacco flavoured eliquid and why? No, hate the taste (and menthol)
Do you refer to your devices as ecigs, or as something else? PV
Do you use cigalikes, and/or did you start off on cigalikes? No, started with them for a few days, very innefective
What would you do if there was a ban (I know there's a thread on this as well!)? Smoke, hopefully cheap imports as I can no longer afford to smoke and pay bills. Wasn't paying bills due to high cost of cigarettes.
Can you think of any ways this ban would impact -
- government policy? Increase the cost of and burden on the police, customs, ability to decide this country's policy on tobacco and ENDS
- the UK economy? Produce more unemployment, bankruptcies of ecofg businesses, reduce spending power as vapers return to smoking
- society? Reduce the number of people stopping smoking, reduce communication as family members go out to smoke, destroy the community that has grown around vaping, increase criminality and produce a black market for nicotine, increase passive smoking
- technology? Stifle innovation in a field that is producing a consumer product (PV) that is becoming more efficient at a fast rate.
Can you think of other (valid and referenceable) reasons why the EU are not competent to interfere with UK health policy? The UK has a better health policy than most other EU countries. The TPD has ignored all stakeholders other than the pharmacutical and tobacco industries and has shown a lack of understanding of what an electronic cigarette is and how it is used. Examples from the public hearing of 25th February 2013 include a statement that 2 mg of nicotine in 0.5ml is equivalent to a cigarette. This may be true, but a cigarette is smoked in minutes, the nicotine solution in a PV is used for hours, a PV, unlike a cigarette, has no beginning and no end.
Statements were made that 'we don't know what's in them' when in fact we know very well. Pharmacuetical grade propylene glycol and or glycerin, pharmacuetical grade nicotine and food flavours that have been tested for safety by such companies as Flavourart. A statement was made that a vaper has no idea how much nicotine they are using so would be likely to collapse from nicotine poisoning. A vaper knows how much nicotine they are absorbing and stops when they no longer want more. If that were not so, hospitals and doctors surgeries throughout Europe would be filled with people sufferring nicotine overdoses.
The independant studies and research proves that vaping can cause a mild throat irritation in some, but no other adverse effects have been found apart from expected smoking withdrawal symptoms, which are less than in those using NRT. See Farsalinis of the Onassis Centre for effects on the heard. There is a great deal of evidence available and collected by ECITA, the UK electronic cigarette trade body. NICE and most of the MHRA appear to accept vaping as a lgitimate and useful method for harm reduction, which the EU would ban.
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