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UK Vendors pls read


Jul 29, 2013
Hi everyone. I'm in the process of a building up my site, VernsVapes, essentially I will be keeping everybody updated about daily deals...depends how you look at it this may be a good thing because users wont have to go trawling all over the place and through 20 forums (I'll do that bit for them)

thats the gist of it.

What I would like from you gorgeous vendors is your RSS feed url for your new products.

and maybe one for PoTV Marketplace if the marketplace has its own feed

If you could please just reply in this thread with your feed url I'll go collate the info and see what I can do with it. The idea is to get more eyeballs onto your products

ta mate

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i tried to find yours @stealthvape, but gave up.

then i tried to find some more, and gave up also. see..patterns. I honeslty though ti would be easy to sit here beavering and getting all the feeds but I'm appealing for help because if I cant find them easily then I doubt the end users can either:-)

side effect for vendors: i've seen posts here, ukv, all-aboutecigs and so on..all duplicate content. when a special is on you go forum hopping letting everyone know the same thing and it seems such a waste of time. there must be an easier way? maybe i can help

let my site do that:-) just let me know somehow

thanks for the good wishes $upermac!
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i tried to find yours @stealthvape, but gave up.

then i tried to find some more, and gave up also. see..patterns. I honeslty though ti would be easy to sit here beavering and getting all the feeds but I'm appealing for help because if I cant find them easily then I doubt the end users can either:-)

side effect for vendors: i've seen posts here, ukv, all-aboutecigs and so on..all duplicate content. when a special is on you go forum hopping letting everyone know the same thing and it seems such a waste of time. there must be an easier way? maybe i can help

let my site do that:-) just let me know somehow

thanks for the good wishes @$upermac!

I just this minute set one up. No idea if it works though

I'll take a look at that free one's source and I'll post up a validating version shortly (because I'm a nice chap like that)
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Bing! One valid feed, simple mistakes in the code
aaand just in case @Vern :P http://www.krakenecigs.com/latestproducts.xml
Works with SEO urls but if someone could double check non SEO that'd be grand :)

How To:
Open file

On Line 78
$output .= '<guid>' . $product['product_id'] . '</guid>';
$output .= '<guid>' . $link . '</guid>';

On Line 79
$output .= '<pubDate>' . date('D, j F Y H:i:s e', strtotime($product['date_added'])). '</pubDate>';
$output .= '<pubDate>' . date('D, j M Y H:i:s e', strtotime($product['date_added'])) . '</pubDate>';
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