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UK Vendors pls read

Many thanks for adding us Vern...FYI we use Opencart rss feed works fine for us..
its ok, I've added you now (again) using another way.

Damn standards:-) its never the same for everybody.
no hassles m8, its there now.
Vendors feeds that are listed so far (in no order)
1) Krakenecigs
2) Greyhaze
3) Vapourart
4) Ivape
5) Ecignet
6) Stealthvape

It would be a valuable resource for vendors to add their feeds, as we could turn this into a single point of contact and take away the hassle of multiple posts on multiple forums which takes time, and time is money.

Forum owners, from what I see it could help reduce vendor forum spam.

For users, me included, its a damn awesome way to find out all the new products without going to multiple vendors sites and digging.

win win.

I've also added an ecig review section, with youtube.com feeds from (in no particular order)
1) Grimmgreen
2) roadhoguk
3) todd
4) scott
5) pbusardo

If you know of any other reviews on youtube who should be added, please let me know. I list then chronologically, so it is again really easy to see a feed of "latest videos" instead of going to each site individually.

Moving forward, I have a twitter, VernsVapes, and will look at pushing some of these collected feeds back out to twitter followers. So get following, sharing and retweeting.!

So an as ecig user, if a vendor adds a new product or puts something on special, you'll get a tweet about it (in the near future once I filter out the noise). If a reviewer adds a new video, you'll get a tweet also. Once I have my head around it, and to prevent tweet overload, I'll split it up into different streams.
i.e. want to only hear about new items that are rebuildable in the uk, ? and so on.

Vendors, please have a look at your shop backends for an rss feed option, or find a plugin or post here and some kind souls who are awesome will assist, me included. The more feeds we add the less work you guys end up having to do.
Set the feed up once, properly, and its all working till the cows come home from that time onwards

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