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Unofficial diy allotment

What's it like Si?
I use it as part of my mix but never alone.

I love it, I use it as a base for everything. ... umm, biscuity, nutty, a little smokey maybe?

You use it as part of a mix but you've never tasted it on it's own? How do you know what it's doing to the mix?
Sorry to butt in, but what would you all recommend in terms of bottles, droppers etc as a basic stuff to get into DIY mixing? I've seen starter kits online but would probably prefer to buy things separately.
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Yeah, it's a good caramel, I love FW Butterscotch Ripple and FW Butterscotch too. I think FW do these kind of flavours really well. Flavor West Waffle is delicious too, it's a waffle with butter and maple syrup.

Yeah, none of them are very coil friendly, I think they all have acetoin in too.

Butterscotch ripple checking in....love it too.....I usually fire some in with RY-Whore...Im never without Chow either
Sorry to but it, but what would you all recommend in terms of bottles, droppers etc as a basic stuff to get into DIY mixing? I've seen starter kits online but would probably prefer to buy things separately.

I usually buy bottles from lucemill. They’re cheap for vg and pg too.
What is this caterpillar chow? I remember @Simon G and @Crewella talking about it before. Is it savoury? Will I like it? Will it blend well with prunes and fag smoke?
I have a bottle of this somewhere that I keep meaning to mix up and try. What sort of standalone percentage do you recommend?
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