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Exactly, that's the way it should be. A guy with a vapstick is no better than the next guy with the biggest most expensive mod money can buy. The end result we hope is that the stinkies are gone for good. This forum has helped me no end and the admin and mods here have been amazing. ZT posted on SB months ago about vape fest and no one replied and I thought he was having some sort of strange gathering of pot smokers! How little I knew it would change my life. :)

LOL! I remember that post ... the response was like ... WTF ? what IS he on about.
What I could have said is 'forum' rather than 'form'.
One day I'll learn to check my post for spelling mistakes before I submit it....
I second cdurkin100 and AndyC1971 I had a look around other forums but only registered to this one and don't bother going anywhere but here. Everyone goes out of their way to help, and I have never met such generous people! Special thanks to the mods for creating such an amazing atmosphere
As a new member i am not surprised by the number who are active, because the community feel makes it easy to be active. :happy guys:
I have never been a member of a forum before I came across POTV last year, within days I felt instantly at home with a genuine knowledge that no matter what the question it would be met by a responsible and genuine answer, all of us are on the same path just different points in our Vaping experience but as I found there was always a mod waiting behind to point you in the right direction. It is with no doubt that Toby and the super Mod team have done a fantastic job in maintaing a warm and friendly forum and is with no doubt every member here contributes to the experience that is Planet of The Vapes.
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