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Use of nicotine gum, patches and ecigs - banned

Also potential employees are not allowed to use any kind of nicotine, or NRT products, yet when they get tested for nicotine and get a positive result they are given 90 days of NRT for free!!

So is NRT good or bad in their books then. You can't get a job if your on it, but they can give it away!?!


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As a collective, the entire bunch that came up with that policy want their heads examining.

nicotine causes cancer does it, oh wise committee of healthcare executives?
nicotine causes blaaaaah number of deaths a year does it ?

and what's that? you'll test me for traces of something which is perfectly legal for me to consume off your premises, and if you find any you'll give me more to make me stop?

and this will do what ? save you some insurance money ? despite it costing you $750 dollars each time?

THAT's genius !
Wonder if they serve coffee in the staff canteen, and if that is considered ok.
My god. If a hospital can get it so wrong, what hope is there of convincing the general public that nicotine carries essentially the same risk as caffeine?

Also, I've just about had enough of our "There is no scientific evidence that nicotine is bad for you" case, because that just gives the anti-nic lot a foot in the door and instead of hearing "There is no scientific evidence etc", they hear "Well, you can't PROVE that it's not bad for you".

And as for the people who say the above in a bid to trash-talk vaping, why can't we just respond with something along the lines of "Fuck off - it's not bad for you. Don't be a dickhead. Yes, occasionally a company will put something nasty in the juice but you also occasionally find nasty ingredients in food. It's fine, calm down - if you don't like it then don't do it but please, let me vape. Seriously though fuck off, I've had enough of you".

AAAAAAAANNND, why are all the doctors that are FOR Vaping not getting any press? There are lots of them out there. Dr Christian Jessen has said some great things about Vaping on Twitter but I'm not seeing his quotes in newspapers, just those of the stubborn/ignorant.

ive just had enough of people who have no business telling me what I can or can't put in my body telling me what I can or can't put in my body. Really had enough of it.

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