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V.A.P.E.R.S. - Vaper Aid - Philippines Emergency Relief Support!

The Winners will be notified before i go to bed - and with permission be announced tomorrow.

The Prizes - barring the Foggatti and Cloud 9's Vanilla - will be sent from the Vendors - once permission to pass on thy address is granted ;)

Sorry fa delay - took an ickle longer to cut up pieces of paper and retrieve details from Paypal - was hoping twas going to be more straightforward - Ho Hum ;)
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Ok no probs even if I don't win it's ok at least we raised some funds for these people

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Thanks to ALL who took part

And CONGRATULATIONS to the Real Winners - those affected by Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda
Still awaiting some replies from the Winners - please check the email account thee use fa Paypal - and get back to me ASAP, so i have thy permission to pass details onto the Prize donors :thumbup:
Hoping all's Fine with thee and thine?

My Bad - was due to move to Ireland at the start of the month - and delayed it till after the draw - and am running an ickle behind

Have waited until today to hear back from all the winners and will be contacting the Prize donors over the weekend - so all delivered by New Year-ish hopefully

Moving to Ireland tomorrow - and hopefully have a receipt form Sagip Kapamilya to post before Xmas

Wishing fa thee Abundance and Giggles
Hoping thy Festive Season has been Joyous and Relaxing?

Apologies for the slight hitch with the draw etc - was due to 'emigrate' to Ireland before December - but delayed till after the Draw. Posted that i'd get it all sorted and packed everything to move, expecting to be moved and unpacked for Xmas - Ho Hum!

Then 3 ferry cancellations later - still all packed up in me van - and hopefully will finally get the Ferry on Tuesday afternoon. All being well all prizes etc will be sent out just after the New Year. The prizes i had to post off - the Foggatti and C9's Vanilla have already been received - the rest will follow as well as the receipt from Sagip Kapamilya - so far £1100 raised

Have been sofa surfing over the Festive period and looking forward to getting the winners and vendors together and happy, and a good night's sleep ASAP LoL
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