Hi, I started vaping last year with a sky cig kit, gradually started back on the fags over about a week, and then caved completely. Over the last year I did some research and decided to try the Joyetech ego-c kit; soooo much better than the Sky cig!!! Just over 2 weeks ago my girlfriend and I chucked out all our lighters etc and took the plunge for the second and hopefully last time!
As far as juice goes I am working my way through 26 samples of (70%VG-30%PG) Mystic Juice from royalvapor.co.uk, so far favourites are Choco‘Nut & Nutty Dream and Melon.
Things are going well; have already moved on to a spinner and EVOD BCCs, which are a big step up again in performance. I am planning to purchase a Vamo v2 next, as I feel that would give another boost to performance, and I love the ability to use it as an ohm reader, my other half has also taken a liking to my ego’s!
My actual question is what would everyone recommend to stick on top of my shiny new Vamo? I’ve done a lot of research and like most things on the net, opinions tend to consist of either “I love it” or “I hate it”. All of the following have their critics and devoted followers; I suppose I’m looking for a consensus, if that possible!
Clearomizers I have looked at include:
• Kanger EVOD BCC (great vapour but I’m a little underwhelmed by the flavour and throat hit)
• Kanger Protank,
• Vivi Nova,
• iClear30
Also interested in rebuildable Atomizers such as:
• AGA-T2
• AGI Rebuildable Atomizer,
Not too worried about price, after all compared to almost £20 a day between the 2 of us on fags, I’m ahead virtually what ever I spend.
I have enjoyed starting to rebuild the atomisers and as soon as I am sure what I am doing and what I need and have watched all the videos I can find, I will order wire and wick for the EVOD and ego-c and what ever I buy for the Vamo.
The EVOD has great vapour but I’m a little underwhelmed by the flavour and throat hit, maybe after a recoil it will improve, and they are always useful for when out and about.
Finally what would you recommend for coil and wick materials for the Clearomizers? I am thinking of 2 or 3mm silica and 0.2mm Kanthal A1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated; I am really enjoying getting involved with the vaping community and look forward to your opinions.
As far as juice goes I am working my way through 26 samples of (70%VG-30%PG) Mystic Juice from royalvapor.co.uk, so far favourites are Choco‘Nut & Nutty Dream and Melon.
Things are going well; have already moved on to a spinner and EVOD BCCs, which are a big step up again in performance. I am planning to purchase a Vamo v2 next, as I feel that would give another boost to performance, and I love the ability to use it as an ohm reader, my other half has also taken a liking to my ego’s!
My actual question is what would everyone recommend to stick on top of my shiny new Vamo? I’ve done a lot of research and like most things on the net, opinions tend to consist of either “I love it” or “I hate it”. All of the following have their critics and devoted followers; I suppose I’m looking for a consensus, if that possible!
Clearomizers I have looked at include:
• Kanger EVOD BCC (great vapour but I’m a little underwhelmed by the flavour and throat hit)
• Kanger Protank,
• Vivi Nova,
• iClear30
Also interested in rebuildable Atomizers such as:
• AGA-T2
• AGI Rebuildable Atomizer,
Not too worried about price, after all compared to almost £20 a day between the 2 of us on fags, I’m ahead virtually what ever I spend.
I have enjoyed starting to rebuild the atomisers and as soon as I am sure what I am doing and what I need and have watched all the videos I can find, I will order wire and wick for the EVOD and ego-c and what ever I buy for the Vamo.
The EVOD has great vapour but I’m a little underwhelmed by the flavour and throat hit, maybe after a recoil it will improve, and they are always useful for when out and about.
Finally what would you recommend for coil and wick materials for the Clearomizers? I am thinking of 2 or 3mm silica and 0.2mm Kanthal A1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated; I am really enjoying getting involved with the vaping community and look forward to your opinions.