Many thanks for all the advice and welcomes.
Just to keep you posted I plumped for the E-Kross pipe as primary device and thought it wise to have a back-up small pen type eGo with Aspire CE5.
I'll keep you posted when the products arrive.
I've got to say I was absolutely gutted to read that the EU may "outlaw" vaping. I mean WTF is the world coming to.
Personally speaking I've been battling with giving up trad cigarettes for years and am extremely excited to have stumbled upon the whole Vaping community.
To be honest I was blown away at the camaraderie, enthusiasm and creativity surrounding vaping and got completely sucked in to it. Then to read that a handful of morons in cuckoo land (Brussels) wants to put the brakes on for no obviuos reason I can discern, well........don't know what more to say other than if they drive this underground they will really be endangering people.