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vapeing as a hobby

Well as a newbie to vaping i would say i am looking into building in the near future . I have just bought a
SIGELEI 75W TC FULL KIT (MOD & ELITE TANK V2 as a step up from my Diamond mist Sleek nano. I love the culture as an ex smoker for over 7 yrs now and suffering with depression need a little boost LOL, so would say yes it may turn into a hobby for me.
Well as a newbie to vaping i would say i am looking into building in the near future . I have just bought a
SIGELEI 75W TC FULL KIT (MOD & ELITE TANK V2 as a step up from my Diamond mist Sleek nano. I love the culture as an ex smoker for over 7 yrs now and suffering with depression need a little boost LOL, so would say yes it may turn into a hobby for me.
Well, keep off the nicotine. No sense readdicting yerself. Lots of 0mg juice available. And.. coil wrapping, making crappy videos to post in this forum (<--guilty).. and just keeping yourself busy with wires and wicks, and other nasties.. (like vapor rings, jellyfish, blowing clouds, scaring the cat.. ) will keep you busy. Not to mention, learning as you go and sharing that with people even newer than you are. lol.
I was never going to be able to quit smoking so replaced it with vaping. Has become a hobby by default but still an addiction. Just one I can have a bit more fun with.
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