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Vapers' worst enemies: What should you know about them? (Part 1)


Oct 11, 2016
Vapers' worst enemies: What should you know about them? (Part 1)



Everyone has enemies, and enemies are people or things that are actively opposed and hostile to them. Most people are instinctively averse to enemies and adversaries whose aim is to obstruct and destruct their happiness, cause, or even existence. There are also some who choose to stand against and endeavor to vanquish their enemies. But few are those who forgive their enemies and preach against their errors and misdeeds for the sake of love. Vapers have got enemies too, and in this article I will try to identify the various enemies of vapers, whether hidden or manifested, mortal or trivial, permanent or temporary, and try to find the means by which to disarm, vanquish, or reconcile the enemies for the benefits of the vaping community.

Who are the enemies?

Enemy number one: Ignorance
You probably have heard many say things like "vaping leads to smoking cigarettes, which leads to smoking marijuana, which leads to heroin, which leads to nothing because now you are dead", or "vaping is doing drugs", or "vaping is infinitely more harmful than smoking". You probably have heard many other things that exhibit the same hostility, and they come not from the knowledge of vaping but rather from ignorance, which leads to misconception and stupidity.


Enemy number two: Prejudice
There are some people who know better, but their knowledge of vaping does not remove from them the obstinate prejudice against it. They know that there are only PG, VG, and some flavors in E-juices, but they denounce vaping as if there is heroin in them anyways. They know that most vapers are common folks who take up E-cigarettes to quit smoking, but they treat them like they are fiends who threaten national security. Prejudice needs no reason other than "I just don't like it and there is nothing that will change my mind, though it be erroneous."


Enemy number three: Conflict of interests
There are people who know the nature and benefits of vaping but still fight against it, not that they are senselessly prejudiced against it, but because they have no choice but stand against, defame, and sabotage vaping for the survival and interests of their own industry. You probably know what I am referring to already. Yes, the Big Tobacco. People who fall in love with vaping are less likely to create revenues for tobacco companies again. Their efforts are premeditated, organized, and executed with vigor and determination. And they do lobbying in Washington DC. Those who have the law to aid them can produce whatever lies they deem necessary, as long as they do it with subtlety and in secrecy.


What are the levels of threat of these enemies? (in reverse order, for the benefit of reasoning)
Enemy number three---Conflict of interests, comes most forcefully and creates the most visible and tangible damages. One single PMTA, if its deadline had not been postponed, would have wreaked much havoc and inflicted inestimable devastation on the vaping market. Consider the full might of Mammon and Law. But such forces, though they come with irresistible power and weight, cannot bring permanent ruin to vaping, because every assault by them can be checked by a defense on the side of vapers, as long as such assaults are not perpetual twist of the mind, which, fortunately, they cannot be, because everyone knows their intention and where their interests lies, and also because in order to assume the authority of science and law, they are constrained by their position to make any vile and ridiculous accusations.


Enemy number two---Prejudice, is the most bitter and cunning enemy of vaping. People who set their mind to prejudice against vaping speak the most appalling lies and make false accusations without their conscience troubling them or any pretense constricting them. They are enemy of the mind, twisting their own and that of others with no regard for truth or reason. But by the mercy of providence, such people are but few, and their despicable influence is limited by their number.


Enemy number one---Ignorance, is by far the most fearsome and devastating enemy of vaping. The power of ignorance has no name, no face, nothing to be recognized with, and is impossible to be defended against, because ignorance is here and there and everywhere. It's the young mom who is pushing her grocery cart out of a supermarket; it's the old man who plays chess everyday with his neighbors; It's the austere and iron-faced typist sitting behind a desk loaded with documents in the city hall; ignorance is everywhere and everyone.


People slander and vilify vaping not because they are experts of the mechanism of E-cigarettes or that they know the ingredients of E-juices by name, or that they are acquainted with the potential harm of nicotine overdose; no, they scandalize and disparage vaping exactly because they don't know, or they think they know a little while in fact the knowledge is deceptive. They might have made up all these accusations by means of invention and fabrication, or they might have heard something from someone else and without thinking or examining the truth of the content which they heard, they advertise, circulate, and add more on the ungrounded statements such as those we have already presented. Fear of the unknown drives people to attack it, and to make it worse, ignorance is contagious and there is no limit to its deadly reach. Because many are those who possess no or twisted knowledge of vaping, and few are those who are not willing to make a comment before thorough examinations are made, ignorance will prove to be the foremost enemy of vaping.

To be continued...(In part 2, I will try to present the potential means by which to oppose and defeat these three enemies of vapers)
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