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Vaping has just got real for me!

So another quick update for you all. Let me know if you are getting bored of my updates and I'll space them a but more apart :).

2 new RDAs, a Drop and Asgard Mini. So these are my 2 that I vape. Now I have worked out, double twisted Kanthal 26AWG vapes great with custard/dessert flavours and that build is on my Drop firing at around .18 ohms @85 watts. And I got a reel of SS316 Claptons from coilology which arent good for custards but great for fruits and got that on my Asgard Mini firing at 0.2 ohms but this vapes better at 60 watts. Weird but hey works for me.

Have dabbled with TC but this needs a little more effort to get the right set up and get it firing right but i will get there.

Got a load of concentrates and found a custard vape I like and a fruit one too! Still tweaking a couple of different recipes too and found that I prefer a vape at 75/25.

I definitely should have done this rebuilding and properly getting into DIY last time I vaped 5 years ago as this is so much better and can really get a vape dialed in to what you want.

Oh and all this with not touching a stinker for 23 days now and not even thinking about smokes now. Also helping my lodger and neighbour getting off the stinkies too!

So anyway thanks for reading and stay safe all :)
Ahh glad you are liking the updates.

Yeh I thought a thread like this may help new vapers and because I've got a little more advanced pretty quickly, as in, gone from tanks to RDAs and DIY in like a few weeks might help those that are looking to upgrade from their tanks and hopefully show them its not as daunting as it my first appear.
Ok another quick update for all you apes and apettes!

Day 42 of no stinkies, I will be honest I lapsed a little on Friday, had one token of one but then tossed it as it tasted foul, would much prefer to vape my own apple pie and custard! Haha.

That's leads me on to my DIY, still going strong, just made up a couple of new recipes and tweaked my apple pie and custard, which I have renamed Apple Pie and Custard V2, as might as well keep it simple Haha, and also trying a rhubarb and guava custard. I have got some fruit ones on the go but they are recipes and not my own. Not bought any shortfills since I've gone DIY and I think its saving me money BUT I have got some new kit :18::18:

Talking about new kit, my RDAs are going well, my building is becoming more accurate, have branched out into using parrelel coils (simply twisting 2 wires together, and nice and easy way of doing that is the "mug technique"). I did buy a reel of SS316 Clapton coils but I think my twisted Kanthals work better for me, I may try doing it with SS in the future. Watch this space.

I have also just received my first mech mod, which is a bit weird having to push the button at the bottom rather than just tapping the button on a regulated but I'm sure I'll get used to that, but hits just as well as a regulated. But we shall see how I get on as the battery drains :). Obviously if you are going to dip your toe into mech mods, Its imperative you know ohms law, battery capabilities and know what CAN go wrong so you can minimise all the risks that go with mech mods. The risks are the same as with regulated devices but "double downed" with mech mods. I highly recommend watching ALL of Mooches videos, he has a fountain of knowledge that he is giving to our community. He started doing all this in his free time but now, with donations from the community is able to dedicate his time to this element of vaping. So thank you very much Mooch!

I think that's it for now, thanks for reading, hopefully some of this info is useful to any newbies, or seasoned vapers that want to try a little more advanced aspects of this hobby. It's weird that smoking has let me to this hobby, but there is alot to learn and I'm having a great time learning all the nuances that go with vaping!

Peace out and stay safe all!

Oh I nearly forgot, a cheeky pic of my set ups at the time of writing.
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