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Vaping = Sniffles ?

Yes I think the flavour is better. Also Mouth to Lung vaping is not the same as just breathing vaping and my Zlide tank has quit Dry/No fire hits since Mouth to Lung vaping!
I get a slightly blocked nose since I have restated vaping, based on the previous replies looks like I need ot drink more water/beer ;)
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Well its early days yet but the sniffles was getting almost constant when vaping. Since last night I have been exhaling through mouth and the results is dramatic. Much better!
I think you have hit the nail on the head there. I have been vaping for 9 years now. Always exhale through the mouth. If I exhale through my nose, it turns into niagra falls. Stick to exhaling through the mouth.
Exhaling through your nose will be the issue. The vapour will be condensing as it leaves the nostrils and will feel wet.

When i'm using a sub-ohm tank and exhaling through my mouth, the vapour collects on my tash sometimes, and that definitely feels wet after a few draws.

Just keep exhaling through your mouth, and your sniffles will clear up sharpish
Well its been about 6 days now of exhale through mouth and though I still have a wet nose, like a healthy dog, the constant streaming has stopped.
I like to use Aniseed or Iced flavour juice, going to try some fruit flavours instead, see how it goes.
Well its been about 6 days now of exhale through mouth and though I still have a wet nose, like a healthy dog, the constant streaming has stopped.
I like to use Aniseed or Iced flavour juice, going to try some fruit flavours instead, see how it goes.

Thats good news. For a fruit flavour try Strawberry and Kiwi, im not a straight fruit flavour user preferring the custards etc but this combo really works!
I have new kit. Eleaf Istick Power 2 mod that has Smart mode. This matches the Watts to the Ohms in the coil at any given time.
The coil is in the Eleaf GTL tank.
The setup is a much improved vaping expirience and almost nil sniffles.
I exhale through nose and mouth and have no issues, if you take a vape with out inhaling and exhale through the nose you get a better flavour, or should i say i do.
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