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Vaporesso Polar question

ebay, hmm.
might be worth bookmrking this for future reference. hardware on post 5 POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
I really don't care who the seller is. UK is still in the EU and there are laws about online shopping, so ... If the guy doesnt want to give me my money back, I can take them from ebay and paypal...
EU even has laws that if you find that the product does not work as advertised you can get a replacement that works/money back within two years of purchase, not mattering whether the product has official warranty or whatever seller return policy is...
My point is the seller would not really deal with communication and probably doesn't really know much about the product - he is a trader, not a vape expert...

Cheers anyway :)
Same here, btw. The lid moves very, very slightly but no "clicks" so far. The sliding was described in lots of reviews but overall it's still a decent mod - in my humble opinion.
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