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Veritas build.


Jun 23, 2014
Made a 1.1ohm parallel single horizontal coil using 30g Kanthal. I placed the coil so the bottom of the coil was level with the top of the airhole, and close the the airhole. I wasn't getting the vapour I'd imagine from that, but the flavour was ok and I was getting an almost harsh throat hit (6MG, 80VG).

Anyway did a bit more research into my seemingly neverending quest to get this thing firing on all cylinders, and I decided to lower the coil so that it was level with the airhole. Immediately there was a lot more vapour, which I was very happy with. However the flavour has weakened quite a bit, and the throat hit is milder (fine for me).

Any suggestions how to get the flavour as well as the vapour?
Made a 1.1ohm parallel single horizontal coil using 30g Kanthal. I placed the coil so the bottom of the coil was level with the top of the airhole, and close the the airhole. I wasn't getting the vapour I'd imagine from that, but the flavour was ok and I was getting an almost harsh throat hit (6MG, 80VG).

Anyway did a bit more research into my seemingly neverending quest to get this thing firing on all cylinders, and I decided to lower the coil so that it was level with the airhole. Immediately there was a lot more vapour, which I was very happy with. However the flavour has weakened quite a bit, and the throat hit is milder (fine for me).

Any suggestions how to get the flavour as well as the vapour?

Always line the coil up with the air hole. Always.

As for decreased flavour, what happened is you aren't getting as much heat as you where. Up the wattage/lower the ohms on the coil.
ok, thanks. Most of what I'd read had said have the coil higher. I guess I just got unlucky and followed the wrong advice originally.

How come there is less heat? Is it because the positive leg is longer? I should have realised there was less heat as the SS drip tip I have no longer becomes too hot to vape on.
I was vaping at 20 - 22 watts before and now I've upped it to 28 - 30 watts. The flavour is slightly better. And here's me thinking 30 watts would be enough. Should of known!

Edit: Oh yeah, more heat required coz more wire. Course!
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ok, thanks. Most of what I'd read had said have the coil higher. I guess I just got unlucky and followed the wrong advice originally.

How come there is less heat? Is it because the positive leg is longer? I should have realised there was less heat as the SS drip tip I have no longer becomes too hot to vape on.
I was vaping at 20 - 22 watts before and now I've upped it to 28 - 30 watts. The flavour is slightly better. And here's me thinking 30 watts would be enough. Should of known!

Edit: Oh yeah, more heat required coz more wire. Course!

Nah, more heat because when the coil wasn't aligned with the air hole it didn't have air going over it to cool it down.
Royal Wire by DRYX

I've given some 24awg Royal Wire a shot in the Veritas - 3.5mm coil, 9/10 wraps, giving me 0.5ohm
This stuff heats up fast and that's a full slice of Muji wick, with both "crusts" which is keeping up well. Very impressive vapour production. Oh my!


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I've given some 24awg Royal Wire a shot in the Veritas - 3.5mm coil, 9/10 wraps, giving me 0.5ohm
This stuff heats up fast and that's a full slice of Muji wick, with both "crusts" which is keeping up well. Very impressive vapour production. Oh my!

Interesting, so you leave the wick vertical like that? I've been making the top half of the wick long, splitting it in half and tucking it either side in the juice well so it's getting juice from both top and bottom.

Have you tried that btw? How did you get on? I'll have to give your way a shot next time.
Interesting, so you leave the wick vertical like that? I've been making the top half of the wick long, splitting it in half and tucking it either side in the juice well so it's getting juice from both top and bottom.

Have you tried that btw? How did you get on? I'll have to give your way a shot next time.
Muji doesn't have any trouble wicking so I go for this approach to maximise airflow in the chamber. The bottom part of the wick only goes down one side, which maximises the amount of juice the atty will hold too.

The wick's only job is to get juice to the coil so my approach is based on having the least amount of wick in an RDA as is functionally required - it's only taking up useful space otherwise. Space on the deck for juice and open space above for airflow and circulation.

With other RDAs too, there's no need to cover the entire deck in wick, juice will find it's way there. I learned this from Todd's Reviews, he's pretty canny.
Muji doesn't have any trouble wicking so I go for this approach to maximise airflow in the chamber. The bottom part of the wick only goes down one side, which maximises the amount of juice the atty will hold too.

The wick's only job is to get juice to the coil so my approach is based on having the least amount of wick in an RDA as is functionally required - it's only taking up useful space otherwise. Space on the deck for juice and open space above for airflow and circulation.

With other RDAs too, there's no need to cover the entire deck in wick, juice will find it's way there. I learned this from Todd's Reviews, he's pretty canny.

Cheers, just seemed a little counter-intuitive at first glance, like that bit at the top would dry out and could potentially burn.

Apart from my recent dabble with cellucotton MUJI is all I've used, going to get a job lot of that. A few packs should do the trick ;)

You're right about the airflow, the spaniels ears leading down into the well do inhibit airflow, I'll give a shot next time I rewick.

I used to know a right chunt with a thick, nasal scottish accent and I can't listen to it now so I haven't seen many of todd's videos ;)
Muji doesn't have any trouble wicking so I go for this approach to maximise airflow in the chamber. The bottom part of the wick only goes down one side, which maximises the amount of juice the atty will hold too.

The wick's only job is to get juice to the coil so my approach is based on having the least amount of wick in an RDA as is functionally required - it's only taking up useful space otherwise. Space on the deck for juice and open space above for airflow and circulation.

With other RDAs too, there's no need to cover the entire deck in wick, juice will find it's way there. I learned this from Todd's Reviews, he's pretty canny.

Interesting. I've got a single parallel coil 1.1ohm on the veritas at the mo, with the wick going to both sides of the juice well. It doesn't seem that hot so I'm not sure whether I'll bother just using cotton on one side or not. Plus, I like the idea of wicks going both sides to make sure it's catching as much juice as possible. Otherwise don't you have to tip the dripper to the side to make sure it's catching the juice.
Nevertheless, interesting idea.

I was about to make another coil, but instead of making new coils I've been fiddling about with the coil already in. I hired the coil so the bottom of the coil was about halfway to the airhole. I've gotten bored of that coz the vapour production doesn't seem as good and the flavour still isn't enough. So I just decided to lower the coil again so it's in line covering the airhole. This time though I really pushed the coil as close as possible to the airhole, and the flavour seems better. I didn't realise it was good to have to that! close, but it's nearly touching.

I've also been perfecting how much muji cotton to use. Just enough seems to be enough. I guess it all comes down to experimenting. One day I'll get it!
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