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Wasting Time and Money??!!££$$***

Right. In my stern voice @Vaping50 pm me and @mrteatime your addy. Take mrteatime up on his offer and i will send you a bit of juice to try.

We can then see how you get on with what is sent and take it from there.

Put your juice up for swaps or sale and you may be able to get a cheap but reliable tank ;)

If we cant help a strugling member in their hour of need what is the purpose in us being here :D

"no" is not a word im expecting you to reply :P

Thanks Pepper Don't worry please, I have loads of juices already. And I have plenty tanks, just have to get some new replaceable heads, so don't panic please I'm fine, I have a few that still work. But thanks anyway.
leaky tanks

Just grumbling about all the money and time I've wasted in 4 and a half months. Not a miser no way but every other tank/clearo I've bought has been a non stop leaker, some falling apart or a dud, a couple dud chargers I had to chuck, a few dead batteries, vv mods that don't have the fire buttons working or stuck or the menu buttons faulty or the battery caps falling off, all the usb chargers that were duds, the starters of ego batteries I had to chuck, the crap cartridges I chucked when starting on the ecigs; then Finally and the worst of all the really shit tasting eliquids I'm stuck with with 18 out of 20 juices tasting really shit, the remaining 2 only slightly bearable. The nauseatingly synthetic tastes of every other juice I'm forced to sample. The wasting of hours and hours trying to get some leaking tank to work. What's the point you may ask? To stay off the tobacco, that's it, no other reason. The ritual of smoking was far more enjoyable, I'm only vaping to save my health. Sorry to bore you all but I get a little annoyed from time to time, lecture over with now....:whiteflag:

Hi...I know where you are coming from.i have sure been there..protanks iclear everything i put on my vtr seems to start leaking after a couple of weeks..BUT now at last i seem to have got it sorted kanger aerotank fantastic best vape i have ever had....i sure hope you overcome..cheers Jim
Hi...I know where you are coming from.i have sure been there..protanks iclear everything i put on my vtr seems to start leaking after a couple of weeks..BUT now at last i seem to have got it sorted kanger aerotank fantastic best vape i have ever had....i sure hope you overcome..cheers Jim

I heard many times the Aerotanks are good kit, maybe when I get some cash yes I might pick up one, thanks
Sorry to hear your having problems .I've been using evods on a spinner for a few month now never had a problem apart from the odd gurgle.Added some aspires lately and are an improvement over the evods.
I have a few problems with some of the stronger juices, Iron brew seems to cause me a problem from most vapeshops.
hope you sort everything out soon,great advice and help from your replys.It seems to be trial and error until you find the right gear and with so much out there the advice given about vendors and sites should help.
I hope you manage to get things working soon Vaping50! I wish you luck finding something that works for you and doesn't taste crap or leak.
I find that the plastic would always come away from the metal ring it was seated in, on clearomisers when ever I had them I my pocket.
Evods are cased in metal and are much sturdier and less prone to break in my pocket. I've not had a problem with one yet.
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