Hi all, found this site while looking for something else, came for the clever name, stayed for the useful info.
I've been on vaping attempt number three for about a week now, started on a fag-a-like, which was fairly bad, then a couple of years ago got a pen style device which was better, but not much.
I've now got a Tornado 2 Sub Mega from Totally Wicked and am enjoying the experience a lot more, I don't know if it's because I'm using higher VG liquids, or the better airflow, or whether the technology has improved over the last couple of years but I'm smoking about a quarter of the number fags than before this last attempt, so far so good.
Hoping to get a new tank this weekend as it would be nice to be able to see how much liquid is actually in there!!!
I currently plan to mainly lurk, might chime in with stupid questions every now and then. Who knows!