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Edge of the seat stuff, glad that common sense has prevailed for now :)
Fantastic news, over the moon, thank you to everyone who played a part in this happening, people who wrote to them, people who fought with social networking, and everyone else just for being a Vaper, I salute you,

Vape strong, vape hard, vape on!!! :D
now lets hope that ebay, paypal and the like will amend there ruling and allow the sale of ecigs ( minus nicotine based liquids ) and that the same goes for across the globe ( US imports and the like ).. time to lobby the likes of PP and ebay
The wrinkled up old bag, how much have the tobacco companies paid her? Welcome common sense. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Absolutely fantastic news!
I am grinning from ear to ear!

Sent from NCC1701 USS Enterprise
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