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The UK can still do what it wants, but chances are it wont pass.

Ecigs are all ready regulated with in place regulations. The beauty of it all is they dont have to do much! limit sales to over 18's, maybe some advertising restrictions and thats about ti.

So what are your thoughts on this?
So what are your thoughts on this?

The EU said no. ECITA has won in 4? countries now and Germany ruled No as well. The UK will be sued and we will win again. Simples :D MHRA has only one interest and that is to make money, not save lives.
That is fantastic news to wake up to! faith-in-humanity-restored.jpg
Congratulations to all of us, and to everyone who's lives will be saved by the EU seeing sense for once! :goodjob:

Keep em peeled for a celebratory special offer from us!
Brilliant news, it's made many thousands of us very happy people.

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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