So. I stopped dancing around the office long enough to get to the post office.
I'd like to add a note of caution if I may. If the TPD had got through with the medicines ammendment bolted onto it we'd have lost that round and would have wound up taking the EU to court over the whole thing and there would have been a period of time where stuff was unavailable most likely.
Now that A170 has been passed we've only still got to the next step in the process.
As it stands right now the broad brush medicines route is stuffed, however there is a long way to go and a great many dirty tricks that can be brought to bear in any political process.
Lets all celebrate this small but significant victory. A great many people, ordinary people who love vaping, have worked dam hard to get us this already, again HUGE thanks to all of them.
Lets not let up in our collective efforts though until the laws have been agreed and signed onto the statute books .
With every single day that passes more people discover vaping and more people find a way out of smoking. The number of voters that will vote on this issue is growing large enough to be a headache for any party that blindly follows medicines regulation and that number is growing daily as well.
1.3million vapers? Pfffffffffffft probably closer to 2 million right now.
The momentum is on our side, the science is on our side, the common sense is on our side, lets all keep one eye on the end goal. It aint over till the fat lady sings.
<insert joke here about Linda and Karaoke>