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Well, my first "fancy coil" in a long time

Take the drip off and a put a tiny Allen key through one of the centre 2 airflow holes to see that its hitting the bottom side of the coil.
Also after filling the tank up, I juice up the coil and cotton get it saturated before popping the top cap on.
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If you have a side airflow atty where you can actually see the coil my preference is to position the coil so you can see the bottom half of the coil rather than positioning it so you are looking at the centre. When you inhale the air will be pulled up towards your gob and will hit the bottom and sides of the coil automatically. Positioning the coil low so it is almost touching the deck is generally a mistake as the incoming air may just hit the top of the coil and miss the bottom and sides completely.

I'm probably talking crap - but positioning the coil higher than central to the incoming airflow always seems to give better results.

Generally a smaller diameter coil will give an airier vape as there will be less restriction, not necessarily better or worse results - it is entirely down to your personal preference.
I get what you mean, I have checked with the topcap at the side of the tank that the coil is positioned so the centre of it is just above the airholes and airflow, so it seems I have it positioned correctly, flavour and vapour production is great.

I see, I am quite happy with the 3MM coil and the vape it is giving, just one of my friends also got a Kumo the other day and finds it too restrictive, so I advised them to try a 2.5MM coil to see if they get a less restrictive vape.

For me though the tank has perfectly enough airflow even with the 3MM coil.
Take the drip off and a put a tiny Allen key through one of the centre 2 airflow holes to see that its hitting the bottom side of the coil.
Also after filling the tank up, I juice up the coil and cotton get it saturated before popping the top cap on.
I have checked and the airflow is in line just below the centre of the coil, so it is hitting the bottom of the coil as well.

I found I only needed to juice up the coil and cotton when I first put the build in, it is wicking correctly after filling without having to juice up the coil and cotton as well.
Next time you rewick you could try lifting it a tad to see if it's better, it's not just about flavour but the airflow going under and wrapping around keeps that side of the coil cooler.
As your refilling and have the bottle already right there might aswell saturate it.
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