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What atty for a nemesis for a newbie

Thanks pabs that sounds great I will look into getting one could you tell me were I could get one please

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I'm happy with a recoiled protank, be careful chasing the perfect vape, it doesn't exist
Thanks @pabs that sounds great I will look into getting one could you tell me were I could get one please

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

I'm not sure how much you know about drippers so forgive me if I tell you anything you know :)

Remember that a dripper only holds juice on the wick - their is no 'tank' to store juice. Therefore you will be dripping juice (typically 4 drips at a time) onto the wick frequently. So if you want an out and about device / in the car device etc then maybe a dripper isn't what you need :)

I have only owned a few drippers so am no expert I'm afraid. I have a nemesis too, they are 22mm in diameter so if you are really looking for that seemless look then naturally you will be looking for a 22mm diameter dripper. I am definitely ocd about these things, but as I'm learning and trying out different devices I am tolerating the mismatch of mods and attys for now :D

Another choice is single or dual coil drippers. A single coil has two connecting posts (one positive, one negative), and a dual coil has three posts (an extra negative post) so you can have two coils in there. As a beginner a single coil is the simplest and best to start with, but you may get bitten by the bug very quickly and want to try dual coil builds soon afterwards so maybe a dual coil dripper may suit you better (you can start with just a single coil in the dual coil dripper).

You will need a means of testing the resistance of your coils before you fire them up in your rebuildable. This is a safety measure so you don't end up with a coil with too low a resistance that would damage your batteries and could result in them causing you serious injury. Some people use multimeters for this purpose, but I've seen knowledgable folk advising against this as they may not be entirely accurate and could result in a lower resistance coil than you are led to believe by the multimeter and hence could be dangerous depending on the capabilities of your batteries.

Budget and patience will also be a factor :D You can get cheap stuff from fasttech, but it will take a good few weeks or more to receive your order. Alternatively there are loads of great vendors in the UK (check out the Discount Code section of the website here).

Sorry to ramble, I'm sitting here dripping and watching some Law & Order on the TV lol If you could think these points over and let us know then I'm sure myself and the experienced dripperers here can suggest a great first dripper that will tick all the boxes for you :)
Just a little reminder pabs that a couple of short pieces of voodoo wool 4mm holds enough juice to last me an hour lol

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
if you've not already taken these good folks advise, a Kayfun 3.1 is an excellent choice. Easy set up and a superb vape.

All the best
Just a little reminder @pabs that a couple of short pieces of voodoo wool 4mm holds enough juice to last me an hour lol

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin

Thanks Chegs, voodoo wool is a great call for a dripper. I haven't tried voodoo yet, I've got ekowool to try but I've been getting into microcoils with cotton lately. I am no dripper expert, even though I love dripping, so hopefully yourself and the experienced folk can set alfie up with something sweet for his first mod :)
Thanks Audiopsyence I am taking all of there advice you have all helped me loads cheers lol

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Another Kayfun user here, I have both the lite+ and the 3.1. they are great tanks and were definately my biggest step up in my vaping journey, before them I was a vivi nova user, the kayfun's just knock the socks off of them.
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