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As others have said mtl is more like smoking, but you should try the dtl coil to see what you think, you may find that the extra vapour produced is just what you need.

You only mention one device, so if it is the case that you only have one, then buying another device or six would be advisable because kit does go wrong and you do not want to be left without a vape.

You will find the style that is right for you but until you have tried a range of different air flows, from tight to loose and different powers from low to high as well as trying different levels of nicotine, you can not be sure that you have found your right kit.

Personally, I do not remember being dissatisfied with my vape, but I did progress through various devices over the first few months. Firstly buying kit I thought was better built, then into rebuildables to save money on coils. I found I liked a little more airflow than my starter kit and a little more power. I found I was a restricted dtl vaper, ie. I vape the sort of power and airflow more commonly used by mtl vapers, though I mostly dtl. I basically over the first few months went up in power and airflow and down in nicotine for a while, then back down in power and airflow a bit, nicotine over time went down then back up a bit.

I would advise, get another kit that allows you to try something a little different, Try the dtl coil that you have and see what you think.
You have a bit of kit that is working for you (mostly) so you are in a good position, and you can always go back to it. It is a shame that higher nic juices are no longer available as that would have been my no one suggestion.

It is understandable that you are looking for something that is more like the cigarette experience, but you will in time get over that. My feeling is if you are not getting the hit you want from your 18mg juice then a little more power and a little more air would be in order though that is likely to be less like a cigarette than what you have.

good luck.
Into my 2nd week now Cigarette free, but finding my Joytech Exceed just isn't quite hitting the spot now if that makes sense?

My immediate initial thoughts......


OK - presuming you already done that & excuse my sarcasm - what nic are you using ???
coz to me, if I was getting my nic fix that would reduce most of the cravings I had
but I always maintain - you do still need some will power to see you through a month or two staying off the fags
I was able to quit fairly easily, but won't lie that a couple of times I thought about a fag now & then,
luckily that would have meant me walking up the road a while & not seeing much change out of a tenner 3 years ago
(so thought nah fuck it, I'll see how I go - then that moment soon passed & eventually vanished for good)

I'd say, ensure you got a decent juice at right nic level & don't think of dropping for a good while & only in modest amounts
or you will soon be climbing the walls at times, experiment with puff styles, air settings and if chain a bit more so what ???
I'd say I chain or puff more than when I smoked, many fags burnt away, so lit another or crammed two fags on my tea breaks

But vaping is way better than fags so stick with it, maybe keep up the nic and carry on with a bit of will power
The device must be pretty decent - it got you off the fags & I stayed with my old Blu-Pro for over two years
(and still got one left for nostalgia)

I mean, by all means start dreaming of other setups.....
yes a variable mod, couple of different tanks, but be warned it can be a slippery shinytitus slope
reckon you can buy 3 tanks/setups....
1 will be shit
1 will be ok but nothing amazing
& hopefully the other will tick the boxes and float your boat - but still got a shit tank & at best mehhhhh one too

and then - you set off on an almost never ending quest to find the ultimate setup that beats your best of the best setup you currently have
your wallet is fucked from that moment onward, if you are not careful and you are the proud owner of many devices you'll never use

I dunno - we are all different on here - some switched to DTL quite quickly whilst others like me have stayed MTL for 3+ years

So who am I to advise ya ???

I personally just stuck with vaping like I smoked = MTL & was never into larger wattage or clouds as such
still does me so personally see no need to change my vaping style/habit just yet
(and tbh can't see me altering - but who knows and I've been wrong many times)

see how you go - congratulations, keep up the will power and best of luck whatever you decide upon, but stay off the fags
Lots of good advice but I'll keep it really simple.
You are using a 1.2ohm mtl coil. Put in the 0.7ohm coil that came with the tank (the gold one), open up the airflow all of the way and take a few lung hits (like it is a bong). Wait 30 seconds for the nic to kick in and that will do it.
Has anyone mentioned flavours yet. That's what kept me off the smokes back before DTL came about. Two or three tanks with different flavours in, and swop about. (so your not on the same flavour all day) Took me 5 weeks to switch completely, that first one in the morning was the hardest to give up.

Willpower at this point, is also going to play a big part. As already mentioned, your body and mind are trying to adjust to not having all those other chemicals, found in fag smoke. Vaping compensates for a lot of the smoking ritual, but your coming up a few thousand chemicals short, that your body is used to, willpower to get over that is the hard bit for a lot of us.

In the great scheme of things, (as I see it) if you need a fag have a fag, it's about the ones you don't smoke, not the one's you do. If you smoked 20 a day and now zero, your a winner. If you smoked 30+ a day, (like me) and now only 5, you haven't won, but you are winning.

Nearly forgot, Welcome and well done, your getting there.
Do not have a fag, if you want to be a non smoker.
Any urge to smoke is just temporary and if you gt enough nicotine into you the urge will soon go.
@bellyman sugestion would do the trick in short order, Even chain vaping your existing setup with the higher res coil will do it, just draw deeper than you do when vaping casually, hold it in longer to get more nic into your system and repeat till the urge for a fag goes away. It will go away.

@anthonyb I do not disagree that "In the great scheme of things, (as I see it) if you need a fag have a fag, it's about the ones you don't smoke, not the one's you do. If you smoked 20 a day and now zero, your a winner. If you smoked 30+ a day, (like me) and now only 5, you haven't won, but you are winning." If you were saying it to someone who has has cracked and had a fag, but I do not think it is useful for someone who has not.

@FatherJackHackett you have gone two weeks without a fag, you have done the hard bit. Well done.
Any thoughts about smoking, get less with time but they do come out of the blue from time to time and can be dealt with easily by getting that nicotine into you. Caving into an urge to smoke is just delaying the time when you no longer think about smoking.
When I gave up smoking in favour of vaping I went through a period of around a year..yes 12 months experimenting with different kit and eliquids..
I was so very determined not to smoke so I put up with vaping some crap and vile tasting eliquid and changing kit and trying all sorts..aio kits vape pens cigalites and lots of different tanks and coils..
I only got sorted and found my vape heaven by asking a whole lot of questions on here and trying the suggestions many potv members helped me a great deal..
I have been cigarettes free since 01/01/18 and believe I enjoy vaping more than smoking cigarettes now I’m a little more educated and that’s what it’s all about..finding what suits you personally..what one likes another doesn’t so experiment and then experiment till you find your vape perfection..
Yes try the dl coil. You don’t have to use a dl coil in small devices like this in a dl way either. You can pop it in and still keep the airflow closed down to replicate an mtl draw. There are many devices that can use .6 -.8 coils in an mtl capacity. The only coils I use in my artery pal 2 are the .6 as they give a much better flavour in mtl.

Not all coils and devices are made equally. There are a lot of new style mesh coils that seem to produce more vapour and a better flavour.

A lower ohm coil should give a warmer vape and most likely more of that throat hit you are after.
Houston, we have a problem. :(

So I tried to fit the DTL coil yesterday after becoming what I thought was " Immune " to the MTL coil, fired it up after doing the usual preparation and I have to say, I did not enjoy it, not one bit, couldn't do it, and in my attempt to to fit my last remaining MTL coil back in, I completely fuc*ed it it up and ruined the tank, had to bin it. So in an emergency, as OldHippyDude's advice would have came in handy here, I went to my nearest local shop and bought a replacement/backup Vape, a Blu Pro, and in all honesty, thought it absolutely sucked, did absolutely nothing for me, so went to the shop this morning and bought a pack of ciggies :(:(:( Before that though, I went online to Joytech's website and bought a replacement tank and spare coils, they will be here on Tuesday I reckon.

Moral of the story is, I was quite happy with MTL it would seem, it was just the Coil that needed replaced as that one had ran its race. I now have a back up Vape ( The Blu Pro ) which albeit is atrocious ( In my opinion ) but it's better than nothing, but I have since had a cigarette, and my lord they are truly disgusting when you haven't had one in 2 weeks, I will endeavour to make this packet last until my replacement tank and coils arrive, and use the Blu Pro in between.

Very frustrating last 24 hours and I am very angry with myself, I have taken all on board that all of you have said though, and will hopefully never be in this position again, I will add tanks/coils as spares and ensure I am never without again.
The Blu Pro doesn’t count as a backup vape if it’s so atrocious you went and bought cigs. You’re going to need a proper backup for your backup :tongue: It’s interesting smoking a cigarette again when you haven’t had one for a while isn’t? I’ve lapsed a couple of times since moving to ecigs, and had that same realisation that you’ve had ... it’s actually disgusting. Look at this in a positive way: you said somewhere earlier that you didn’t really want to quit. Well, you seem to now.

Out of interest, what was it you didn’t enjoy about the dtl coil?
@Leni I know what you're saying, but between the Blu Pro and the packet of ciggies, they should tide me over til my replacement stuff from Joytech arrives.

And regarding the DTL, I just felt it was too much, it was pretty hot as well, in my throat/lungs, so I did not enjoy that side of it. Perhaps I never prepped it correctly? ( I stuck 2 drops of eliquid in each of the holes on the coil ) and let it sit for 10 minutes after filling the tank.

I thought the MTL was working a treat, but as @Fuctifino alluded too above, I should have changed the Coil, that's perhaps where my issue was coming from in that I wasn't feeling the same satisfaction from it. I have bought 6 MTL Coils and a new Tank, so that should tide me over for a few weeks I would imagine, the main plan just now though, is to ensure I don't buy another packet of fags until they all arrive, need to make sure the Blu Pro and fags combination tides me over.

I might actually take a trip to a Vape Shop, I have heard the odd thing here and there though, regarding the ones down my way, that has put me off going to them. Just to see what other options are out there, get a few testers etc... see if anything else takes my attention.

And yes, the smoking is utterly disgusting, I actually came down stairs earlier in the home and immediately smelled the lingering smoke, that in itself was bad, but t-shirt smells like smoke again as does mt breath, a few things I have been pleasantly happy with not having recently! .
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