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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

Recurve cap.

Can you give us a run down on the rta please bud?
OK, so finally found some time to build that sucker.

Biggest con for me is the clamps. Personally, I fooking HATE clamp style decks. It's the reason I don't really use my goon anymore. Legs from both coils want the same space and the clamps never catch all legs evenly which can make getting both coils to fire evenly an impossibility. I spent 20 minutes trying to get my first set of coils to fire in sync. In the end I gave up, ripped them out and made a new set. Second set fired perfectly from the very first pulse. So I hate clamps. But aside from that, all's well in wonderland.

Slightly restricted airflow. Not too loose, not too tight. Probably somewhere around a Crius 2 single coil kinda airflow. I like it. Very quiet, very smooth. Flavour is very good. Build quality is very good although the clamp screws are cheap and cheerful. Should have used better quality screws but it's not a major issue.

I've done a dual kanthal 25ga flat wire build with 7 wraps - 2.5mm ID @.27 ohm. 60w. Master Cotton.

A nice feature of this rta is that they include two sample strips of Vapefly Firebolt cotton. Shoelace style with plastic tip. Haven't used it yet as it looks like it's meant for a 3mm coil. 3mm is as big as I would go with this deck. There isn't a huge amount of space for big coils but there is no need for big coils. The holes in the center post is a nice feature and is at least partially responsible for the quiet and smooth airflow.

All in all it's a nice looking rta with an interesting deck and decent flavour. Just a shame they went with leg sharing clamps!
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260w of pent controlled rage for review for some reason. Obviously upset someone.
Err thanks vapesourcing, I think.
A gift from @Crewella [emoji16] two sourin air pods & some manabush liquid, the liquid is quite nice but the sourin is abit muted, anyway thanks H much appreciated [emoji3]
Today`s haul from postie - concentrates, bottles,syringes all from Darkstar , plus a freebie - i like freebies but - lemon meringue pie....my fav pie

07 09 2018.jpg
Vimto already made & tried...
The DEJAVU mech:

What can I say? This thing was a really pleasent suprise!
100€ for a mech is the most I can justify to spend. After all tube-mechs are just metal-tubes with a switch on one end. I do not see the reason to spend a fortune on something like that; and this thing just proves my point. After all I just bought it because nice looking authentic tube-mechs for reasonable money are hard to find and therefor I just bought it without researching any further.

First thing I thought:
For 50€ I get this?

This is sooooo nice, considering the cost of this mod!
Opening the bag I was greeted with this sighting:

First thing I did was take a look at the mech. Feels and looks incredibly nice! But..... That firing-button is made of polished stainless steel..... I hate polished "anything" because of the finger-prints it attracts..... But that doesn't matter, because as I took a look at the other goodies I realised, that they actually give you another button to use, which is made of that "cloudy" acrylic. So nice.....
You also get snother sleeve whcih is made of a soft-feeling plastic, if you do not want to use the knurled metal-sleeve. Personally I like the metal-sleeve way better, but hey - options! Also one thing to note is, that the sleeve is held on by two o-rings, so that it never spins on it's own and is held on tightly, even without the additional pressure once the switch is screwed on.
You also get spare o-rings, a spare spring for the switch and even magnets to convert the switch.
You also get a few DJV stickers, which is a nice additional touch I guess.

There are also downsides tho. First of all, this ia a 25mm mech and they still use an 18650 for it. A 20700 would probably have been possible too, but that's fine for me anyways.
Another thing is that you should pay a bit of attention when taking the switch apart, as the threading on the switch is kind of sharp and I cut myself in the thumb in the process of figuring out how to take evrything apart. But in the end that's more of my own fault, than it is the faulkt of the mod.

After all I am incredibly impressed with the mech and the plenty accessoires you get, considering this thing only cost around 50€....
Now they just have to make a stainless-steel version of it too - that would be amazing!

Maybe I should have put this wall of text in the review-section.....


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