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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!


Even more unnecessary liquid, the Gas Mods Nova RDA, the Yihi SX Mini Mi Class, as well as a Jwell Krome Mod.

Let's get to the liquids first:
Honeybear by Marina Vape: Tastes pretty damn bad. Apart from that it's the first time I bought a 60ml bottle of liquid that turned out not to be a shortfill....
Confections by Coastal Clouds: It's weird. Not a fan. And again - 60ml, but not a shortfill. So weird.
Make America Grape Again by Trump It: I like this one. It's like a sweet bubblegum-grape kind of a flavor.
Tropical Thunder by Bazooka: It's alright. None of the Bazooka liquids have really impressed me so far.
Slam Dunk by Momo: Quite interesting. It's really not bad, but tastes quite unusual for sure.

Now let's get to the Hardware:
I bought the SX Mini Mi Class before my SXK BB arrived and with the perfect MTL vape that I get from the BB with the Vapeshell, this one is now completely oboslete. Apart from that it's made of some kind of metal, but still feels extremely light and flimsy. Apart from that "Champange Tang Silver" is more of a rosegold, which I hate.

The Gas Mods Nova RDA is really quite nice on the other hand. I tried the GR1 in the past and did not like it at all due to leaking-issues and pretty much no drip tips being usable with it, due to the coil being that close to it. This one now does not leak anymore for me and the drip tip problem is also solved. It's got a proprietary screw-on drip tip, but the inner diameter of that one is a 510 size. Therefore one can either put a little 510 on top of there, or simply screw it off and just use a 510. It's a nice and tiny 22mm RDA for sure.

But the real star here is the Jwell Krome mod!
It' pretty much a 24mm version of the Ehpro 101, but with a Joystick for great menu-navigation and the ability to use either 18650s or 18500s.
Isn't she a beauty?


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Jus some drip drop lychee and pear drops and a freebie pen, cheers!
Lychee is my favourite adv can't get enough of it. Not tried pear drops since pre Tpd 30ml bottles.
My postie brought me 39 -10 ml bottles of juice!!
I bought some of @Deaf Vaper stock up pile and he gave me some tobacco flavored stuff too that was higher nic he don't vape no more -thats where the 9 come in lol

Cookies and ice cream and Cherry Bakewell

The cookies and ice cream is awesome YUMMY!!
Haven't tried the Cherry Bakewell yet

Thanks for the opportunity @Deaf Vaper
Nice having some steeped juice!! View attachment 184213

I think i've inadvertantly become a V&G pusher! lol!

Glad they arrived safe and sound Bree. Left you a message on PM.
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You can see the size of my nail down the side near the bottom of the mod? They are longer on my other hand! I occasionally slice myself :D

Yeh..those talons are scarily impressive Miss Pepper! I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of YOU! I've had (real) cat scratches before...they ain't nice! :D
Just a coupla simple things today..in light of the response i got from the thread I posted over the annoying problem of these top heavy mods falling over easily. As anybody who knows of me, my shitty eyesight isn't the best, so i do keep knocking these bloody things over a bit too often! Several suggestions were put forward by members, but i settled on this cheap and simple solution for now. Thanks to @Crewella, who pointed me in the direction of these useful items...i got meself a funky green & Black patterned (other colours available) silicon sleeve, and while i was 'in the shop', picked up some new Star Wars themed vape bands too.

Now, some may think, "Christ! That Steampunk looks shite now!" And those stupid little vape bands don't do much for the tank's aesthetics either, but hey...if it stops the damned thing scaring the stinky brown stuff out of me, everytime they crash over, and helps prevents damage occuring, then job done.

It actually feels quite nice in the hand, no longer slippery, as it was, this one retains the Steampunk design, plus it 'lips' over at the bottom, so now stops the batteries from falling out, when the mod falls over, whilst leaving the vents free. The only negative with it, is that the on off switch is nigh on impossible to get to with the sleeve on, without the using an implement to operate the switch. Vape bands are marmite item to vapers, i don't mind them, and the vendor just happened to have Star Wars themed ones, so i thought..yeah why hell not! The tank of course looks fecking stupid with them on..but at least the glass won't shatter now, with any luck......i hope! ;):51:

Oh....and those bands do wonders to stop the little Kamry from making a din when it tips over, as it likes to do all too often, on the glass top table it's on....even with that checked cover on it. Looks daft as feck...but it's doing the job! I'm on the hunt for sleeves for my other skinny box mods now!





Sorry about the awful photos....David Bailey...I ain't! :D

Edit: Have put some (slightly) better ones up!
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