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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

Well I ordered i paid it was addressed to me, Dad will you get me some Heisenberg and Rhubarb and custard by Vampire vapes,square you up, it came today she has the juice and the money yet,Dad did you put that money back in my bank after getting that stuff for the Grand children wonder is there a juice called Dad zips up the back. . Funny thing i tried the heisenberg. The taste and smell reminded me of the smell of a cleaning fluid my Polish Grandma used, in her Bathroom and kitchen.used to have the same smell in public office buildings, The joys of Poland in the 60's
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After being on preorder for eternity they've finally arrived.

2 spare pods for the Navi and the mechlyfe version of the rba that has a 510 connection.

10 packs NI80 26awg 25.ohm Vapefly pre made coils and 2 packs of vapefly cotton clouds cotton from the Crazy wire company closing down sale.
Just received more exotic pre made coils and some spools of Alien and Clapton wire from the Crazy wire company.
Just awaiting pg and vg from Darkstar now
@vapesmarter ‘s drip tips have arrived, they came in a lovely little pouch and a photo of Alfie. They fit perfectly into ExPromizer V4. He hasn’t told me how much I owe him for them yet.
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