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What have you noticed yourself saving money on?

Feb 4, 2014
I'm on day 6 now of accidentally stopping smoking, having been an almost professional short term giver-upper for the majority of my life. In that time we've been to a supermarket, but I haven't been to a convenience store once (the good lady has, but she's on day 2 with her own itaste after cutting right down with mine/ours till then). So we're saving not only on the copius cigarette habit, but also on not impulse buying along with every purchase of cancer sticks.

So a packet of Richmond Superkings costs something like £7.50, but I'd spend probably at least a shekel more on rubbish. That plus the savings in heating bills through not having windows open and the odd bit of diesel for not doing a midnight run to a 24 hour shop every now and then to stock up.

I'm wondering what the little things are that you've noticed yourselves saving money on.
the way i look at it is i am saving days of my life by staying off the stinkies and there can be no better saving!!
Very true. Although by living longer we are going to cost society more money in state pensions. I suppose all the extra tax we've paid into the kitty over the years will pay for that though. :strawberry:
Personally I didn't save anything for quite a few months buying new mechs, mixing supplies and tools of the trade. Now, I'm probably breaking even buying the odd atty, mech and a battery or 2 here and there. DIYing juice saved me a ton and I can't go back to buying vendors jucie because I prefer my own. Not knocking juice vendors but I've tailored my juice to me and they just don't stack up for me.
The main thing I've saved is my health which is more important to me than saving a few quid. I also don't stink anymore which the wife is happy about ;)
the way i look at it is i am saving days of my life by staying off the stinkies and there can be no better saving!!

This sums it up nicely, havent made a saving yet but already feel better from stopping the nasties!
After 12 months I haven't saved a bean. I'm easily drawn to anything shiny that produces clouds, like a moth to a flame. :D
I suppose it depends on how heavy we were all smoking. We were going through the best part of 50 between us per day, so that plus the extra rubbish we were separately buying meant we'd have to spend the bones of £150 per week on vaping not to save money. Of course we were on and off the foreign baccy and additive free stuff here and there, but were always drawn back to that elusive combination of chemicals in the cigarettes.

We'll be in the black after Week 1, having bought 2 itastes, 3 extra iclear 16s and a months supply of eliquid.

A couple of months back I worked out that if a couple smokes 40 a day for something like 40 years (+ a Starbucks a day to round things up), then if they had invested the money - rising with inflation and assuming an annual growth of around 7% - instead they would have around £2M to show for it. So I'm a bit obsessed with costs at the mo. :D
Im still saving money even though im buying mods. Yes a £20 mod here here and there adds up, but still cheaper than cigs.

I dont have to choose between a pub meal / outfit over cigs.

Ive also got a savings jar going on the last few weeks where spare £1 and 50p get thrown in. Yes "spare" money.

As others have said life is priceless :D
I'm saving a fair few quid despite getting carried away buying stuff in these early days. Also, I imagine that'll lessen over time.

It's not a big deal but I'm also saving time. I don't vape at work - a bit in the mornings and a lot in the evenings but unlike smoking, I'm not so far feeling the need to do it intermittently all day. So no smoke breaks at work = getting a bit more done which is handy, since I'm self-employed. Even in the pub I don't have to waste time traipsing outside to lepers' doorway as my local is vape-friendly.

But yeah as everyone else says, health improvement is the biggie. Though having smoked 30+ years I'm not expecting miracles...
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