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What is dripping?`


Sep 13, 2012
I've been seeing the term 'dripping' used here and on UKV, and I don't know for the life of me what it is or what it entails

Little help?
Basically, when you "drip" a drop or two of juice directly onto the atomiser`s heating coil, vape for a while (ie: a few seconds or so) and refresh it by dripping again...and repeat continually :)

Onto something like this...a 306 atomiser


it will have a "drip tip" mouthpiece on the end of it of course so you don`t burn your lips off.....

(You could "drip" with anything that has an exposed coil)

I have tried it, it`s useful for testing out new flavours as you don`t need to do much to clean it out afterwards apart from rinse, and doesn`t hold onto flavours for too long,
as for daily use, some people absolutely love it but I personally found it to be the vaping equivalent of lighting a fag, taking a drag, stubbing it out, picking it up and lighting it again -
and going through that whole rigmarole over & over ad nauseam....but there you go ! lol

Some people say the flavour is better than using anything with wadding etc as well as it`s more "direct".
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I find dripping quite relaxing... for a while at least and then I too get right royally fed up with it for another month.
It is good for trying new flavours, occasionally a flavour I don't like will contaminate an atty but most often it is easy to just switch to another flavour and the previous one will very quickly go away.
There are drip shields available to minimise mess or if you really enjoy it an expensive option is the 306DCA, the 306 atty screws into the DCA so juice can't leak out.

The 306DCA is good for vape meets as their are usually lots of eliquids around that you want to try.
The 306DCA also makes dripping a lot more forgiving for when you drip too much liquid in.

Don't know why I turned in to a salesman for the DCA there!

EDIT: In my opinion a 2 ohm cisco spec 306 atty for fruity flavours and a 1.5 ohm cisco spec 306 for tobacco flavours is hard to beat.
Just depends on if you can be bothered with all the faffing around.
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I suspect people who drip...(vaping-wise), are more likely to do it when they are sat down and are comparatively still....

you would need an open bottle in your hand for what could be several hours if you are a heavy vaper, so being in a chair would likely be easier.
I couldn`t imagine people dripping in the supermarket or on a rollercoaster...or whatever it is these vapers get up to in their spare time.

probably quite well suited to light vapers as well as it wouldn`t be such a burden once in a while ?
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Direct dripping is the best way of vaping for flavour. Next best is a bottom feeder - which feds juice up into the atomizer without having to drip.
..and of course drippers like the rebuildable RDA takes 20 drops initially and lasts for ages before you need to top up with another half dozen. Agree with most of the above. I like the 306 and always use one for flavour testing.

As for faff, I don't really see it that way. Cartos, clearos and tanks of one variety or another have their place but for me dripping is both enjoyable and gives the best Vaping experience. Ego. 306. Small bottle of juice. Happy as Larry. Takes seconds to top up. No more faff than rolling, carrying pouches, filters, papers, lighters. Getting baccy everywhere. Running out of one or the other. But then I used to chain 'em .... :D

Pros and cons to most things I guess.
Please, nobody post images of the "other" alternative !!

But seriously, I found with dripping that I could rarely get a consistent vape due to flooding & dry hits - it`s quite a tricky balancing act and you need patience to get used to not putting too much in, and not letting it dry out..

..which I was hopeless at, but that bit inbetween when it worked, it was fine !
Thanks Bryan for your clear explanation .... however after noting my waste line I am going back to the mundane act of vaping :strawberry:

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