That juice is like crack to me ... when I first mixed it I went through half a litre in about 4 weeks.
Demon Killer is mass produced stuff from China, some of it's good, some not so. This wire seems to be pretty good though clearly not really alien. I tried some of their notch coils and what a waste of time, money and effort that was! It's better than UD wire but that's not saying much! I got this reel from fasttech, one of those things you throw into your basket at the end ... it comes with some wicking cotton too, though I have not bothered to try it. I visited the factory in Shenzhen where these wires were being made, packaged and then rebranded by Demon Killer and others.
The Aromamizers I got from Steam Crave directly, these are prototypes as I'm part of their user testing team. I'm not aware of anyone in the UK stocking them. You will also see them currently still on pre-order on fasttech - restocking! That's the best price as the presales code on has expired.