Avoid rebuildables and mechs for a while if you want to keep things simple. Variable voltage and wattage have their place and can make a difference but unless you have already found a base line of what you like, then it can be a waste of time and effort. i have a friend who has a twist and a davide mini and has zero interest in anything beyond that. he has stuck to it for months now. Maybe try a twist just to get your foot in the door of vv. Protanks are a love hate thing. Quite airy draw on them. Easy changed with an airflow controller, cheap add on but adds bulk you may not want.
Trial and error is perhaps the only way forward. What I or anyone else finds to be the best for us may not tally with what you want from your kit. My mother used to like to try any new flavours I was running through my gear when we called round, but I have mine set exactly how I like it. She used to take a light drag and nearly cough herself into the floor with my kit, while her protank 1 and standard unadjustable ego battery works fine for her with no issues.for reference, she has 2.4 coils. I usually use 1.8 and vv. so it can change things quite a bit.
bear in mind, a different coil in the same atty may give completely different results. Especially with protanks as they can tighten up their draw depending on how tight your coil unit is fitted.