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What sort of Mixer are you?


Jul 17, 2012
What sort of mixer are you?


Some lucky people find a flavour that they really like and which is simple and are able to mix these themselves. Things can then sometimes focus on costs and getting the right concentrates at the right price becomes an issue.


There are those who buy a commercial liquid and think ‘I could make that at far lower cost’ and some do. Penny Pinching is a valid reason to mix.



Regularly buy a commercial eliquid and then use specific concentrates to ‘tweak’ that to your own taste? You're a tweaker. Finding a better version of the missing ingredient is always desirable and this can sometimes turn into a quest.


Some people like to dabble, to invent and create – and sometimes, like home cooking,


the results can be spectacularly good. Many serious mixers create their own juices and some are delicious. It can become a serious hobby.

Left Fielders

If you wake up one morning with a craving for, e.g. “Bacon and blackcurrant liquorice” vape, the probability will be that it isn’t on the market.
Creating it your self from flavour concentrates will be the only option. And some left-fielders have created surprising eliquids that have filtered into mainstream.


The final group of mixers is the gourmets. People who develop a real passion for a flavour, or who bring a passion with them from elsewhere and who are in search of a better vape or the perfect version of it..

These include steepers of leaves and pods and grains and those who will scour the world for the perfect flavour concentrate.

Of course you as an individual may fit into one several or all the above groups, but in all, flavour is key.

So what sort of Mixer are you

all images via wikimedia commons
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Im a very enthusiastic dabbler who would like to become a gourmet one day! I started mixing from day one because Im a tight arse, but it has become a great hobby/obsession. There is nothing more satisfying than making a mix that makes you stop and go "wow-did I do that!" Im a sod for adding a little bit os this and a little bit of that though :)
I became a dabbler because I couldn't find one particular flavour that was commercially available and good enough - so a gourmet for one thing, though not steeping pods or growing things myself - yet. The dabbling though, has spread much wider than the one flavour and I became a pincher for a couple of things that I found I could mix at a fraction of the cost of a commercial eliquid.
I can see me going: tweaker -> dabbler -> gourmet

I did the same thing with beer and now brew a quaffable pint.
The early days weren't so great. A friend of mine named one of my first attempts "Puckersplitter".
I'll leave that to your imagination ;)
I think we need a 'Lazy, Boring Old Farts Risk Averse' category :D .

I used to buy concentrates, dilute them and vape as they come. If I didn't like it then it got ditched ban.gif. I found out early on that I love a lot of flavours but never want to vape them for more than 5 minutes so all the faffing about is pointless mixing.gif. Now I stick to Hangsen concentrates only with the very occasional ready mix of something more exotic :) .
I think we need a 'Lazy, Boring Old Farts Risk Averse' category :D .

I used to buy concentrates, dilute them and vape as they come. If I didn't like it then it got ditched View attachment 388. I found out early on that I love a lot of flavours but never want to vape them for more than 5 minutes so all the faffing about is pointless View attachment 387. Now I stick to Hangsen concentrates only with the very occasional ready mix of something more exotic :) .

I'm a Pincher. I've been lucky that I like a lot of flavours.
This is how I now mix...
I picked four flavours that I like and all mix together fairly well.
I mix a 100ml bottle of each.
I then decant in to smaller bottles as needed that I don't label.
I never wash my attys nor tanks as all the flavours mix together well.
Easy life.
Maybe this needs reviving as we have a lot of mixers who'd not even heard of vaping when the last post was, well, posted.
I'm a tweaker with an ambition to be a gourmet.
I mix like I cook, don't like it, add something else, think it needs to be better, add another flavour.
I'm also thinking of making some ready-mixed I don't like into something I do, but the fake tobacco has had it. Can't do anything with them, loathe the taste as I hate all but steeped tobacco now.
They won't be chucked though, will be put in trades sometime.
im a mix of left fielder and dabbler, random flavours, different steeping methods, different mixes of PG/VG, additives (i only have EM crystals at the mo but ill get more soon) i never thought cherry and cinnamon would go together for example, but it actually does work fairly well. my fruit salad wasnt so great though, ive made several bottles of juice that ive simply thrown away because they didnt work and i only have so many bottles (on that note must remember, buy more bottles!)
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