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What the NHS have to put up with

Depends if it’s free speech or a discussion I know lots of people on here I also know people know each other after years and years so most are friends of each other

that being said, a lot of people can say to each other

“Naaa your talking shit” as if they were in a pub together if you were there you would see the face of the person saying it was smiling laughing etc

on here it’s different the written word is hard to interpret so to the outsider it looks like full on war

I like lots of people example @HAZZA1962 ends his statements with !!!!!! That sends me nuts not because he does it but one of my past employers used to belittle his staff with !!!! After every sentence of condemnation....until when I resigned I said in a 3 line letter

“I resign !!!!!!”

“Get the picture!!!!!!”

“You wanker!!!!!”
We’re you around when I used the anti swear words plug-in to change !!!!! To !!!1!!one111wibble!!!!11!!!2 ?

It nearly collapsed the forum

poor Hazzas posts became unintelligible.
You are undoubtedly both correct vapesmarter & SirLugg in that much can be lost in translation within the written word, shared across the Internet. Especially between people who don't know each other well.
We’re you around when I used the anti swear words plug-in to change !!!!! To !!!1!!one111wibble!!!!11!!!2 ?

It nearly collapsed the forum

poor Hazzas posts became unintelligible.
Good times :D
Did I dream that this forum once had a video/chat section? :hmm:

Could be an interesting twist. :22:
Did I dream that this forum once had a video/chat section? :hmm:

Could be an interesting twist. :22:
Unfortunately, t had to close when people opened up the stream to find ZT having sex with a chicken during one of his crack binges.
Unfortunately, t had to close when people opened up the stream to find ZT having sex with a chicken during one of his crack binges.
Close? Should've started charging. Plenty of people out there who'd pay good money to see that. :lol1:
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Most people agree with free speech. I'd like to think you'd struggle to find someone on here who doesn't. Maybe the issue within this thread is slightly different? So my question is; Should someone's right to free speech include the right to have that speech broadcasted on a private platform against the platform's rules?

This forum also has rules. Does everybody have the right to not only exercise their free speech but to join this forum and use the platform to broadcast whatever they want even against the forum rules and the wishes of the bill paying owners and without being moderated? And if moderation or content removal occurs due to rules being broken does that automatically make it an assault against free speech?

Plenty of other video hosting sites around. I'm sure FB would love to host that wankstain's video.

i think the logical conclusion of your post is that free speech is problematic, and that there actually isn’t “free speech”.

maybe we need another thread.
i think the logical conclusion of your post is that free speech is problematic, and that there actually isn’t “free speech”.

maybe we need another thread.
You can say whatever you like. You just can't say it anywhere you like. You can't walk in to my house and start talking gibberish because I'd throw you out. There's a box in London where you can stand and say anything you like to anyone who wants to listen.

Free speech is not the same as expecting private corporations to broadcast it at their expense and against their rules. No?
Something that really bothers me is the culture we now have of people filming things without the consent of the people involved. I absolutely loathe it. If I’d have been one of the doctors in the original video, I don’t think I could’ve restrained myself from grabbing the guy’s phone and smashing it. I’d have gotten myself sacked :25:
Something that really bothers me is the culture we now have of people filming things without the consent of the people involved. I absolutely loathe it. If I’d have been one of the doctors in the original video, I don’t think I could’ve restrained myself from grabbing the guy’s phone and smashing it. I’d have gotten myself sacked :25:
Do you think there's a difference between public and private areas and a valid and non-valid expectation of privacy depending on location?

Completely agree on the dick head who filmed the clip being discussed.
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