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Do you think there's a difference between public and private areas and a valid and non-valid expectation of privacy depending on location?
Politeness and respect. You shouldn't need rules.
Do you not think there's a difference between public and private areas and a valid and non-valid expectation of privacy depending on location?

I’m not sure I understand what you mean. I guess it depends on location to an extent. I don’t think anyone should be filming on a phone in a hospital ward where there are very ill people and staff trying to help them - unless they have the explicit consent of everyone present. It’s completely unacceptable imo.

I would expect to be visible on security cameras if I were pottering around Tesco. But if someone got their phone out and started filming me whilst I were perusing the yogurts, I’d have a big issue with that. They may find themselves on the receiving end of yogurt projectiles if they don’t stop filming when I ask them to :D
Politeness and respect. You shouldn't need rules.
Shoving a cemera in someone's face isn't the only way to be filmed tho. In a public space can you expect not to be filmed at all, even unintentionally or as a background at an event or suchlike or just walking in the park?

In a private area shouldn't you expect complete privacy and not to be filmed without permission, period?
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You can say whatever you like. You just can't say it anywhere you like. You can't walk in to my house and start talking gibberish because I'd throw you out. There's a box in London where you can stand and say anything you like to anyone who wants to listen.

Free speech is not the same as expecting private corporations to broadcast it at their expense and against their rules. No?

i think we agree in principle, but don’t agree on what this is. for example:

you can go on a pub and say to someone that they are a cunt. the consequence may be that you will be punched in the head.

you can live in this country, and go outside and start shouting racial abuse at someone. the consequence may be that you will be arrested.

you can be in south korea and go about saying the supreme leader is a fat weirdo. the consequences may be tortured to death in a prison camp.

none of these, the way i think of it, represent free speech, per se. as long as people have free will they are free to say whatever they want to say. but in every, or almost every, society, there will be consequences that accompany particular types of speech. so i think these are all just varying degrees of qualified free speech. what we might talk about is variation in the consequences of exercising the ability to speak and choosing to say particular things.

edited to add for clarity: i can’t think of any society where there would be absolute freedom of speech with no consequences, whether the consequences be formal or informal.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean. I guess it depends on location to an extent. I don’t think anyone should be filming on a phone in a hospital ward where there are very ill people and staff trying to help them - unless they have the explicit consent of everyone present. It’s completely unacceptable imo.

I would expect to be visible on security cameras if I were pottering around Tesco. But if someone got their phone out and started filming me whilst I were perusing the yogurts, I’d have a big issue with that. They may find themselves on the receiving end of yogurt projectiles if they don’t stop filming when I ask them to :D
I was just wondering if you meant nobody should be filmed without permission regardless of where they are.

Hospital and Tesco although publicly accessible are both private spaces. People shouldn't film you in a hospital even in the background.

A park however is a public space. I'm sure we've all been filmed hundreds of times in various parks and probably don't have any expectation of privacy there?

Was just curious if you drew a distinction is all in the current climate of everyone filming everything.
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You can say whatever you like. You just can't say it anywhere you like. You can't walk in to my house and start talking gibberish because I'd throw you out. There's a box in London where you can stand and say anything you like to anyone who wants to listen.

Free speech is not the same as expecting private corporations to broadcast it at their expense and against their rules. No?
Nor in my opinion does free speech mean you can say what you like without consequence - free speech you can say what you like but anyone else can respond and say what they like back.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean. I guess it depends on location to an extent. I don’t think anyone should be filming on a phone in a hospital ward where there are very ill people and staff trying to help them - unless they have the explicit consent of everyone present. It’s completely unacceptable imo.

I would expect to be visible on security cameras if I were pottering around Tesco. But if someone got their phone out and started filming me whilst I were perusing the yogurts, I’d have a big issue with that. They may find themselves on the receiving end of yogurt projectiles if they don’t stop filming when I ask them to :D
You are undoubtedly both correct vapesmarter & SirLugg in that much can be lost in translation within the written word, shared across the Internet. Especially between people who don't know each other well.

I write like I talk, and if you look back at some of my earlier exploits around these parts you’ll see that hasn’t always panned out well - hence the point blank refusal to go any further. And unless someone is a complete bellend - which I don’t believe you are - I’d rather not.

The look in someone’s eyes and their body language is something I was taught to pay attention to, and I do, because regardless of what the mouth is saying it’s often different to what is actually meant with lots of folk. Write that down behind a screen it’s lost and you can only take the words for how they’re written.

I’m worse in real life by the way.

No harm no foul.

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I was just wondering if you meant nobody should be filmed without permission regardless of where they are.

Hospital and Tesco although publicly accessible are both private spaces. People shouldn't film you in a hospital even in the background.

A park however is a public space. I'm sure we've all been filmed hundreds of times in various parks and probably don't have any expectation of privacy there?

Was just curious if you drew a distinction is all in the current climate of everyone filming everything.

I think we have to accept that there are cameras everywhere, so unless you’re in your own home, you’re going to pop up on them in the background. I’ve been in the crowd at televised football matches, happened upon a crew filming a scene for Hollyoaks in the centre of Chester once (!) - glimpses of me may have been caught. It’s part of our culture now, it’s not that that bothers me, it’s mobile phones mostly. I have issues with cameras being pointed at me though, so maybe it’s not completely rational :25:
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