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What the NHS have to put up with

so to summarise, the old guy is about to drop dead, some nutjob is shouting at doctors and trying to take him out the hospital, and the debate on here is about internet censorship?
No idea, I'm just here for the ride.

But it is his legal right to go home if he wishes.
Particularly if his family can transport him.

As already said I have done the same thing myself.
Also a few times before surgery I have filled out a DNR form.

Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden to have blood transfusions.
Would you forcibly give one to a patient ?

those are 3 areas

yes he can discharge himself we all have that right but the difference is he has a deadly virus, ok some may argue it's not deadly but where is the proof would you let him out if he had the bubonic plague or ebola? the transport part that's fine also but to get to it he has to walk past lots of people who aren't infected including you or me would you like him sitting next to you in your lounge?

DNR's are normal things they are standard with a lot of cases it depends on the patient people think that its all Holby city and a few smacks with the paddles "he's back" that's not the case, the percentage for bringing a person back from VF is low if you don't know the circumstances plus the damage done to the person is huge especially the old or frail

religious beliefs are common but blood products ok you have to be a real devoted person I've seen turn arounds at the last minute when it's a life and death situation the same with a DNR watching someone especially a young 18-year-old bleed out in front of you is a hard task to watch but it can and does happen but this is not a blood case its a couple of jollies saying they can cure covid with vit c and some zinc I'm pretty sure I can say with some clarity that a couple of vitamins from Superdrug will not increase his saturation levels.

all in all its academic the video is out, it will be in the papers the doctors and nurses will get the brunt of it they should have just booted him out and flagged the calls to the crews but the biggest question if the family can sort this why was the guy even there wasting your money


I come across as argumentative I'm not sorry. heavy early day today I'm tired and fed up
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so to summarise, the old guy is about to drop dead, some nutjob is shouting at doctors and trying to take him out the hospital, and the debate on here is about internet censorship?
I can’t help but agree with your sentiment here (I’m sure I’ll burn in flames later)

can’t help but think the ire is directed in an obscure fashion
I’m talking about the patient, the other 2 fuckwits shouldn’t have even been there.

Well it could be said where was the hospital security that should have been in place ?
At my local hospital in the "opening" hours for outpatient scans the automatic doors (at all entrances) open automatically, but there is a security guard there to ask what business brings you to the hospital, during "closed" hours the doors will not open until you speak to security on an intercom.
As to them turning up, it may be that they were carers for the relation / patient, and were concerned as they knew he wanted to come home, I think I would chance my arm on gaining entry in such circumstances.
So in theory it was the hospitals lack of control over security that led to that aspect of the situation.

People have a right to self-discharge if -

a/ They’re not a risk to themselves.
b/ They’re not a risk to others.

If he wants to die at home, why has he even ended up at the hospital in the first place? He could have stayed home - presumably his wife or himself felt he was too ill for that at some point.

He did not seem at risk to himself at all, other than the stress of the situation that he wished to go home, and the staff were preventing him.
Also he did not seem to be a risk to others, hardly planning to go on the rampage when he gets home.
When I self discharged myself it was over my blood sugar level, and I refused to take the amount of Insulin the nurse told me she was going to give me.
When I said I was leaving they said that I might have a "Hypo" and go into a coma, but they had to let me go home.

As to why he was in hospital in the first place, who knows ?
He may have ended up at A&E due to an RTA, a fall in the street etc.
Maybe he was admitted for another reason, and caught covid whist there..............

Just so you know, most people on psychiatric wards can speak fairly lucidly, at least some of the time. Sometimes patients with Anorexia are sectioned (detained under the Mental Health Act) and tube-fed against their will, because they’re at risk of dying. Should they have the right to starve themselves to death if they choose to?

Well... I don’t know. But I think it’s a comparable situation. Only the Covid patient is a far greater risk to others than the person with Anorexia.

Yes I am fully aware of people with psychiatric problems, one of my brother in laws was in a local self contained building next to the main hospital close to me several times over the last five years.
Since then I have been in several hospitals as an in patient, and the normal wards have many patients that I have encountered over 4 hospitalisations.
One of the snags is that with NHS cuts over the years that five floor facility was closed a few years ago, so many people that would have been admitted there are now in the normal wards.
Regarding starving to death, I have been tube fed for several weeks, but that was with my permission, they had to ask me !
Yes, as long as they understand the situation they should have the right to starve to death, in fact one of my friends father did this, as he was sick of living with Pancreatic Cancer..............

The covid patient is of no more risk to anyone than anyone else with a transmitable illness.
I deplore your morbid voyeurism but i will do away with myself if youtube do not reinstate it. lolx
I don’t care who said it - I still agree with it ;)
Most people agree with free speech. I'd like to think you'd struggle to find someone on here who doesn't. Maybe the issue within this thread is slightly different? So my question is; Should someone's right to free speech include the right to have that speech broadcasted on a private platform against the platform's rules?

This forum also has rules. Does everybody have the right to not only exercise their free speech but to join this forum and use the platform to broadcast whatever they want even against the forum rules and the wishes of the bill paying owners and without being moderated? And if moderation or content removal occurs due to rules being broken does that automatically make it an assault against free speech?

Plenty of other video hosting sites around. I'm sure FB would love to host that wankstain's video.
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Depends if it’s free speech or a discussion I know lots of people on here I also know people know each other after years and years so most are friends of each other

that being said, a lot of people can say to each other

“Naaa your talking shit” as if they were in a pub together if you were there you would see the face of the person saying it was smiling laughing etc

on here it’s different the written word is hard to interpret so to the outsider it looks like full on war

I like lots of people example @HAZZA1962 ends his statements with !!!!!! That sends me nuts not because he does it but one of my past employers used to belittle his staff with !!!! After every sentence of condemnation....until when I resigned I said in a 3 line letter

“I resign !!!!!!”

“Get the picture!!!!!!”

“You wanker!!!!!”
Most people agree with free speech. I'd like to think you'd struggle to find someone on here who doesn't. Maybe the issue within this thread is slightly different? So my question is; Should someone's right to free speech include the right to have that speech broadcasted on a private platform against the platform's rules?

This forum also has rules. Does everybody have the right to not only exercise their free speech but to join this forum and use the platform to broadcast whatever they want even against the forum rules and the wishes of the bill paying owners and without being moderated? And if moderation or content removal occurs due to rules being broken does that automatically make it an assault against free speech?

Plenty of other video hosting sites around. I'm sure FB would love to host that wankstain's video.
I agree with you tbh - it’s up to private companies and individuals to accept what they will accept - no issue with that at all. If they say no - then no.

and no it’s not an attack on free speech if it’s against a company or individuals policy.

It’s merely that party’s right to draw a line at what they will accept on their platform

same as it’s any of our rights to draw a line at behaviour or whatever we will accept in our own homes.

imo anyway

I think people forget YouTube et al are not a public owned service but rather a private Corp - it’s one if the reasons getting your news there is a bit mad imo - it could be anything.
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