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What the NHS have to put up with

No mate, I’m done, else you or I will end up offending one another and like I said, you strike me as a good guy so I’d rather not. Contrary to past behaviour upsetting people over the internet isn’t my bag. If/when having a beer becomes a thing we’ll do it then because when you write shit down it gets twisted.

And that’s me really done.

No worries dude. You won't offend me tho. And I'm not trying to offend anyone. I've got my big boy pants at the ready. :D

You did raise a few points which I feel kind of obliged to respond to. You don't have to respond to me any more tho if you don't want to. You don't even have to read my reply. I won't be offended and I won't hold it against you. :18:. I'll just go by what I think you mean. But it's late so it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow coz I'm tired and you're probably already in bed anyways.

So, for now... nite mate. :)
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But it can't be ignored that the patient himself wanted to go home, but was told (quite severely) that he could not.

Now, if the guy wanted to go home he should have been allowed to.....
If the patient wanted to go home, and die in comfort then so be it.
I have always said to my OH, if my conditions get worse I want to die at home.................

A case could easily be made for the man in the video to be detained under the mental health act. He doesn’t seem to believe the virus is real, yet is being clearly told he will die if he doesn’t have oxygen, etc. He is a risk to himself and others, so doctors could take the decision to ‘just go home’ out of his hands.
It was painful to watch from my point of view, but only because the video kepy freezing / buffering, so took ages to watch.

However, the family was a bit disruptive.
But it can't be ignored that the patient himself wanted to go home, but was told (quite severely) that he could not.

Now, if the guy wanted to go home he should have been allowed to.
Only at the start of last year I had a four day stay in hospital, problem started on day five.
One particular diabetic nurse refused to sign my discharge papers despite my consultant for the problem that put me in hospital saying she was happy for me to go home, and said she thought it would aid my recovery.
In the end I rang my OH to pick me up, and told them to bring the self discharge forms.
Even after my OH arrived, and I had signed the paperwork they used delay tactics, until I said "get this canular out of my arm, or it is going with me"

If the patient wanted to go home, and die in comfort then so be it.
I have always said to my OH, if my conditions get worse I want to die at home.................

I appreciate your thread but it doesn't feel right liking it if you know what i mean.
I appreciate your thread but it doesn't feel right liking it if you know what i mean.

Unfortunately you only have a choice of liking a post, thanking a post, or laughing at a post.
Now if I could have 50% liked your pot, I would have done.

To summarise the guy without a mask on was a dick.

But as the patient wanted to go home, that is his choice, no one else's , and if his family are there to transport him fine.
Why are my threads always controversial ?
Now i'm wondering:hmm:
Do i have

or am i just a
A case could easily be made for the man in the video to be detained under the mental health act. He doesn’t seem to believe the virus is real, yet is being clearly told he will die if he doesn’t have oxygen, etc. He is a risk to himself and others, so doctors could take the decision to ‘just go home’ out of his hands.

Which "man in the video" are you talking about, the relation ? or the patient ?

If you are talking about the patient he has every right (as said I have done so myself) to self discharge.

As to the mental health act the guy seemed fine to me, he was even sitting up in bed, and speaking lucidly.
If he wants to die at home, in relative comfort for him, what is wrong with that...................
Am i missing something here?,surely any patient wishing to discharge themselves so that they would 100% die at home (and possibly infect everyone that they came in contact with) or stay in Hospital and have a 50/50 chance of living is legally stark raving bonkers.
I didn't get to see the clip and i don't know why it was deleted but i'm glad it was.I'm starting to think these anti-covid brigades would of been shot in WW2.Forever moaning about rationing and having to go into air raid shelters in the middle of the night.
It just seems to me that this covid-19 is putting up more of a fight than we are.
the internet is a wonderful thing anyone can be a doctor or a nurse a pilot etc all from the comfort of the armchair.

but the guy's sats were 70% if he gets lower he will start having other problems like septicemia, blood clots all sorts of problems, but he's on the edge so, in theory, he could shuffle off home but what if he gets worse who do they call? they call the ambulance again I've seen this a number of times "I'm a free man I'm not a number" the crews are stretched they don't want to go to a dangerous situation but as the people bang on the keyboard looking for alternative treatments by some doctor in the deep continent basement there dad still needs the oxygen, I love the way the one guy asks what the meds are wow for real is he going to say what meds to give?

being discharged from hospital yes he has a right to do that but he has a deadly pathogen so how many people is he going to infect on the way out is it fare to risk others.

I'm torn over the youtube removing the video yes its wrong but the flip side do you want to feed the fire how many people will do the same when there loved one is inside the hospital, the blame here again stems from information, that information is coming from the internet and the media covid is fake the vaccine has a chip, rubbing bat dung on your head cures you etc etc.

I cant treat Liz here if she was ill I have the knowledge but I have not got the kit from the most simple of things like a hoist or a wheelchair to a full monitor setup just to move a sick person from bed to chair who weighs as much as you is a hard task so to treat a person with an illness like covid in your own home who can't move, can't breathe with no equipment, no drugs and no O2 is just plain stupid.
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